Tom Mc

Active Member
Hi y'all. Have not been around for a while as I've been working on a completely new project to put the 'fun' element back into our hobby whilst hopefully doing a bit of good for others, especially with all the negative press we've been getting of late. Hope you like it ...

Think it’s all been done before? Think again! If you want to be part of something totally fresh and out of the ordinary – unique even – this is it!

LANDY RALLY … a non-speed ‘competitive charity drive’ 15-21 Sept 2007. Featuring any model Land Rover (standard or modified) incl. Dakar, Ibex, etc., a maximum of 100 teams, 18 years old upwards (no brats – this is our party and they ain’t invited!!!), approx. 2,300 miles, 8 European countries in 7 days, tarmac & greenlaning, prize-giving dinner, cash prizes/trophies, importantly a lot of fund-raising for charity via themed vehicles and a whole heap of silliness!

Note: A forum is to follow on the event website in January featuring the LANDY RALLY CLUB, a group established to meet up at shows and various social events throughout the year.

01406 493144 ~ 07958 216266 ~ ~
Latest News:-

Due to numerous requests from owners to allow children to take part in LANDY RALLY, it has been announced that the ‘minimum 18 year old’ rule has been scrapped. The event is now open to all the family with no minimum or maximum age limits.

Moreover, there is now FREE ENTRY for children under 12 yrs old before 15th September 2007.

I tell you, I’ll hold my hands up to making a giant pig’s ear of this one. I fully accept the Land Rover movement is based on families and obviously children are the next generation of enthusiasts (it’s ironic as I have always run “family shows” in the past), I just thought us adults could have some time to ourselves for a change. Seems I was wrong! What do you think?
By way of an update, the second reconnoitre for Landy Rally has been carried out. At one stage I ‘got lost’ in a labyrinth of tracks in the Pyrénées. To put it into perspective, I clocked up 46 miles before I found my way out! No kidding, at 7pm it was 28° and still bright sunshine when I entered, 10.30pm virtually dark and a darn sight cooler by the time I found tarmac!

Entries are looking healthy, the list of charities teams are supporting mighty impressive. We now have an official recovery vehicle (Fred Bolton from Bedfordshire with his 5 litre Rover V8 1949 Series I … on 47” tyres!!!) and even medical cover – just in case.

Re. Billing, if anyone wants to see me and ask questions about the event, it couldn’t be simpler to meet up. I have arranged to meet all the Landy Rally teams attending the show at a set time at a set place. Where? The beer tent of course! This will be at 12.00 – 12.30 hrs on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday, thereafter the intention being to go on a little tour of the Trade Stands to introduce them to the traders and their wares + the discounts and preferential rates Landy Rally entrants will receive! You are more than welcome to join us.

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