I have a vehicle and very limited mechanical knowledge but would like to go on a jolly across Norther Africa. I am intending to offer my vehicle, which you can drive for a wee bit when I get tired, without any cost! as well as my, quite frankly highly valuable, time also without any cost! However, as I'm flat broke I need four or five ****s to send me £1,500 to cover the cost of hotels, food, beer and prostitutes. You will be permitted to sleep outside under my landy for a nominal charge (pillows not included), but for anything else, go **** yourself, do I look like a ****ing golden gift horse or something. Be quick, places are limited.:)
As I said, it never was the intention to supply a Mechanical Support Vehicle until Cheyne said he'd help out, so how could I possibly cost that into the budget?

Fair enough if that's what you want to think, and I don't blame you for being sceptical, but the figure's based on doing four previous Landy Rally drives, so we know exactly how much it costs. Besides, after the fuel, ferries and camping is covered, any Euros left in 'the pot' - no, not the sort of pot that goes under the bed - will be going on the bar bill for the mechanics back in Calais. None is kept by Cheyne, me or anybody else. Seems logical to me!

Well then don't take one then and do it yourself
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I have a vehicle and very limited mechanical knowledge but would like to go on a jolly across Norther Africa. I am intending to offer my vehicle, which you can drive for a wee bit when I get tired, without any cost! as well as my, quite frankly highly valuable, time also without any cost! However, as I'm flat broke I need four or five ****s to send me £1,500 to cover the cost of hotels, food, beer and prostitutes. You will be permitted to sleep outside under my landy for a nominal charge (pillows not included), but for anything else, go **** yourself, do I look like a ****ing golden gift horse or something. Be quick, places are limited.:)

Perhaps those few euros left over that the mechanics are gonna **** down the toilet should be in the charity pot...isn't that what the trip was all about?

I must get the Dr to look at this cynicism.....
**** taking aside... seems to me the bloke was sincere in posting this. OK it is not to everyone's liking but he obvioiusly ran it past the mods first and to be hinest this is the one stop shop for landy owners... some of whom may actually be in a position to stump up the cash and want to participate.

Can I do it... alas no... I could not afford it for one thing and I value me nads too much to be the one to tell the missus I was ****ing off for two weeks - but there are those that would.

Rights or worngs... I personally don't see this a spam... especially when you look at some of the blatant spammer taht we have had on here over the last couple of years.

Good luck finding a co-driver fella - don't take ths critisizm too much to heart... there may be a lot of ****s on here but they are usually pretty decent ****s.... and finding a decent **** is hard enough these days! lol

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