One can only but hope the trial goes ahead and they get sent down and stopped.
What’s going on with this now? The whole family are scumbags I’ve heard. Steal credit cards, drugs, fraudsters, con artists THE LOT. They move from place to place scamming everyone why have they not been sent down yet and still allowed to have a business.
What’s going on with this now? The whole family are scumbags I’ve heard. Steal credit cards, drugs, fraudsters, con artists THE LOT. They move from place to place scamming everyone why have they not been sent down yet and still allowed to have a business.

They are very clever on how they do it and also use intimidation its in the hands of the courts atm
any info you have would be good, post it up it may well stop some other poor sod being done over.
Top one sold on ebay but was relisted and sold again on this listing:

Second one sold but got relisted anorl ere:

Reserve not met so relisted again ere:

Same again, reserve not met then relisted but says not available now and reserve not met again.

No listings on the account which is strange.
Last edited:
Top one sold on ebay but was relisted and sold again on this listing:

Second one sold but got relisted anorl ere:

Reserve not met so relisted again ere:

Same again, reserve not met then relisted but says not available now and reserve not met again.

No listings on the account which is strange.

I wonder if people are tying to buy these and then as soon as the money changes hands the car mysteriously disappears before the buyer picks it up.
"Sorry mate, it got nicked off my forecourt Tuesday night. I'll sort you out a refund as soon as my insurance pays up"

This sort of thing happened to a friend of mine once. Not with the Sunbeam street gang, but another dodgy vendor. Needless to say the promised insurance payment didn't materialise and the vendor became increasingly hard to contact.
There's a bloke at work put a £250 deposit down on a motor last week through a trader on gumtree but also trade on eBay.
Apparently they contacted him stating only part of £250 had gone through and asked for his postcode.
He refused to give this and questioned why they needed it.
Anyways upshot was he had £700 whipped out his account.
He informed his bank then £600 went the following day.
Both in Italy. The bloke he dealt with on the phone "sounded foreign" :rolleyes:

After calling him a tit etc and getting asked "haven't I ever put a deposit down on a car"?
My answer was "yes, but only rarely and with a reputable dealer after viewing and test driving the vehicle.
Some people eh :rolleyes::D
A friends elderly uncle got scammed £6000 a few weeks back, he has dementia and was recently widowed. He believed the scammers were the Police and transferred all his money. When he was asked about the bank checks he said "they told me to say it was to buy a car so that's what I said". In the end the bank repaid the money as he never took out more than £20, obviously had dementia and fitted the scam profile. But it should never have got that far, he was suicidal.
lt's easy money for these scammers isn't it? That's £6,000 for an hours "work" and they get away scot free.

There's nothing that can be done, and it's absolutely appalling. The scammer could be anywhere in the world and even if you traced the call, there's no way to intercept the scammers who are probably using burner phones and onion browsers.
Since putting up the above there's been a number of changes.

NAR, Makhan Paul - DOB May 1982
Resigned on 27 august 2020

Sukhwinder singh DOB March 1970
Was appointed on 27 August 2020.

A lot happening that day on Sunbeam street.

Reeven Autos limit is still an active company but got into trouble on 27 November 2020 with a formal warning it would be struck off unless correct action was taken as required. This would normally end with a company being dissolved but they put in a suspension request on 22 December 2020.

Reeven autos limited is still an active company, listed as: '45320 - Retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories'

Still at the same address:

Unit 1a Sunbeam Studios, Sunbeam Street, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom, WV2 4PF

That address has had a lot to do with the motor trade. Some of the companies moved from it to 16 Sunbeam Street where suspicious engine reconditioning takes place.
I have also had the same problem and have found my car at the 18 Sunbeam street it is surrounded by a lot of Range Rover, disco’s defender all missing engines. Going to recover very soon.
I have also had the same problem and have found my car at the 18 Sunbeam street it is surrounded by a lot of Range Rover, disco’s defender all missing engines. Going to recover very soon.
Can you tell us what hapoened? I assume they took your car then things turned bad. Where did you find their advert?
lt's astonishing that these people have been trading for over a decade with countless people reporting them to Trading Standards and the Police but NOTHING had happened.
Their yard is full of vehicles they have effectively stolen from customers, together with anything between £1500 and £5000 of their money.
You can even find it on Google Earth (and probably your vehicle)

Why can't this place be raided and shut down and the people arrested? They are all over the internet on many forums and review sites, here's one
Why can't this place be raided and shut down and the people arrested?

I'm certain the local rozzers know all about this group of Indian Asians and are aware of the potential violence...but the real reason for not raiding? Racism. These Indian thieves will call the racist card. This area of Birmingham is rife with theft, thieving scummers and backstreet Asian family gangs, it's a rough area. Golden rule, never buy a car from the Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Bilston area.
I'm certain the local rozzers know all about this group of Indian Asians and are aware of the potential violence...but the real reason for not raiding? Racism. These Indian thieves will call the racist card. This area of Birmingham is rife with theft, thieving scummers and backstreet Asian family gangs, it's a rough area. Golden rule, never buy a car from the Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Bilston area.
My golden rule includes London and Liverpool

My golden rule includes London and Liverpool


Liverpool definitely, but have picked up some real gems from London. I find the suitably heeled provinces best where the owners not only look after their jalopies, but can afford to do so. When one sees the average sh!t being sold and worse, bought, one has to question the buyers awareness[?] Especially with Land Rovers...

London's interesting in that it's very susceptible to fashion and so the deep pocketed folks change their vehicles quite frequently. This filters down to us semi-rural mortals and great buys can be found...from the right vendor. A buddy who drives around in old snotters likes buying from London through Gumtree and over the years has bought some amazing gems. A few years back he found a one owner from new low mileage V8 P38, with full LRSH, worn paint lacquer on the outside but near pristine condition on the inside. He paid £800 for this super car and is still using it today...subject to petrol prices!
There's been a number of police raid's on the Sunbeam Street scam engine peeps already. Trading Standards were involved anorl.
They don't give a toss about raiding rozzers and trading standards. These types are hardened thieves...they do not care one jot. They may get raided, closed down and prosecuted...but they'll just re-open at another location. I'm gauging the issue is that they know they can get away with crime and only rarely get caught.
But they're still trading
Unfortunately the rules won't stop them trading while we wait for the virus delayed court case to happen. From what i understand the court case against them is for poor business practice. There isn't anything they can do to seize the business or stop it trading like authorities can with a dirty food outlet.

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