i would have the tamper activated tracker fitted. as soon as anyone fiddles with the vehicle in any way the system goes live and the pikey lowlife dont even know.

THis is the offending post, Buster..... You are right - there is no mention of "Jipsy" I think Killbill, wot complained, thought that "pikey lowlife" meant "Romany" - i spose its a case of "if cap fits...."
i live in doncaster and work in a place called bentley where there is a lot of heroin addicts and i know there "heroin addicts" coz next to my work is the back door to the chemist where they all cue up for there meds. Also they sleep in our scrap tyre compound and **** and **** allover the place!! gaunt looking, rather pail, leave needles everywhere. ya know scum of the fkin earth!!!
just a footnote to your pro / anti gypsy thread.
two facts.fact one. had a caravan on a locked storage site with hitcklock. gypsys put a chain round A frame and dragged through cricket ground never to be seen again. Old bill "travellers again"
fact two. bought a 90 out of autotrader from legit dealer? done hpi checked all vin nos and checked v5 all good. two days later the ****ers stole it back, tops up the vehicle was a stolen ringer. old bill said even they dont know how they done it. as the vehicle was stolen i was **** lucky to get paid by my insurance.three months later old bill tell me they have nicked and jailed a gang of " travellers " for it they had done this to over eighty other people around the country. im sorry but experience makes us come to unsavoury conclutions .
Just incase ye were wonderin' where ah was comin' from Killnorton, here's a photie o' me great great grandparents and some o' their family (on me mothers side). GGGrand father is sittin' just behind the lass at the tent door and me ggranny is sittin' by the fire wi' her pinny and head scarf on...


Let the slaggin' begin'!:D:D:D
Why are you holding a picnic on glasgow airports runway....and that tent in the front of the picture needs a new canvas!
Just incase ye were wonderin' where ah was comin' from Killnorton, here's a photie o' me great great grandparents and some o' their family (on me mothers side). GGGrand father is sittin' just behind the lass at the tent door and me ggranny is sittin' by the fire wi' her pinny and head scarf on...


that's a great photo busterbus.
AHAHAHAHAHA! For all ah know mate, it could've bin taken where Glasgow airport is now:D:D:D
Nah...that photo was taken up the west bank of Loch Lomond...just after yer GGGrandad stole my GGGrandad's sheep....ye thieving reiver ye! :D
Ah'm kinda stuck researchin' this lot.. have bin fur a few years! Doesn't help that they were 'travellers / Gypo's / Pikies' back in the 1800's and me GGgrandad was from Ireland! Ah've got records of when he stayed and died in Dumfries, also livin' in the Borders and word o' mouth that he was in ayrshire fur a bit! Why do some folk make it hard fur them tae find!!!:rolleyes:;):D
Genealogy is hard, Buster - but can be so rewarding - just follow up on ever family story. Most have little or no resemblance to actual facts; but have a snippet of truth hidden in there somewhere :).
Genealogy is hard, Buster - but can be so rewarding - just follow up on ever family story. Most have little or no resemblance to actual facts; but have a snippet of truth hidden in there somewhere :).

Aye ah know what ye're sayin' Daft;) Ah used to do quite a bit a few years ago until ah kept reachin' dead ends. Ah'm sure one day ah'll find them;):D

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