i never realised just how many landies was being nicked, think if i was to own one after reading the threads from you guys, with all the time effrot and money you throw at your landy, i would have the tamper activated tracker fitted. as soon as anyone fiddles with the vehicle in any way the system goes live and the pikey lowlife dont even know. as well as fitting twin sirens to a good cat1 alarm, and an extra one inside to deafen the thieving scum.if you see id on ebay report the item, and tell the police. i done it to a bloke 2 years ago on there, turned out he had more than 15 range rovers in his place, all ringers. he got 3years. so sometimes the police do the job they are meant to

Where dus it say that if some one is steeling it's a jipsy this is racist if you made out every black man was steeling landys you would be delt with severley it's a discrase
Where dus it say that if some one is steeling it's a jipsy this is racist if you made out every black man was steeling landys you would be delt with severley it's a discrase

ffs - change the record - jipsys (sic) aint a race. Its a lifestyle choice.
All ways look for the out rigger number and that with the help of landrover will give you a number list of every part that shud be on the landy there is all so a biuld date stamp on most parts so when u look at your water bottel you will get a date then look at all the littel things see how many other items have the same year and date on them if thay all come back with the same date but it's not the same as the v5 look harder but some parts we all need to swich so if it's one here and there don't be to consernd but if all with same date and year
Jipsy is a race
tinkers are not
travelers are not big dif
it's like packistanys and afrecans thay may be black but thay are not the same
and I'm notsaying there are not rongens in everyrace
and yesi have had my landystolen by some scumbags but toput itdown to aholerace is rong
andyoucan buy a caravan and call your self a jipsybut with out the blood your not a jipsy
and some jipsys don't steel as my wife can prove
there aint no such thing as a Jipsy (sic) race - Romany, maybe - but I bet most have a British passport (if they have a passport).
yu is talking bollix.
You don't have a clue you show this by what u put my Romany (jipsy) wife was born in the uk she has no passport not thay a pasport desides what blood runs in here the facket that she can track her ansesters back 100 s of years and no we don't live in a caravan
Did anyone say you lived in a caravan? you cant be a multi-generational Romany, any more than we can all be considered African (didnt the human race originate there). I do not dispute that your good lady may be from Romany(i) stock, but that doesnt make her Romany.
A "Gypsy" is not, necessarily Romany - Gypsy has several developing and overlapping meanings under English Law. Under the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 Gypsies are defined as "persons of nomadic habit of life, whatever their race or origin..
I do, however concede that the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) states that a gypsy is a
member of a wandering race (by themselves called Romany), of Middle Eastern/Indian origin, which first appeared in England about the beginning of the 16th c. and was then believed to have come from Egypt.

I doubt, however, if your lady is 400 years old. I stand by what I said - there is no Jipsy (sic) race. Romany is different, but I doubt if there are many true Romany peeps in Britain today - just lots of Pikeys jumping on the "Race" bandwagon.
look this has all come from some one thingking that a "jipsy " has stolen his landy but that may be right or rong we dont no but to tar all is not right i get fedup with being made out to be a theif when i am not i would be most upset if some one stole my landy im hopeing that peeps will be more understanding that we are not all like that i put a lot of time and cash into my landy as we all do so pls dont put stuf like this down to us im sorry that man has had some bad thing that makes him feel that way
:welcome: to the forum "Romany lady".
You wouldnt be related to Killnorton by any chance? It's just funny you suddenly pop up from no-where. :rolleyes:
i thought this forum was to help people who have had there landy stolen? not give people abuse. Thats my own opinion like and i also live in a caravan and have done for over a year now, dosnt mean im a pikey or a theiving **** bag does it?? thats just the way me and my girlfreing have chosen to live as its a dam site cheaper than living in a house. We just rent some land off my parents. nobody seems to be blaiming the low life heroin addicts that prowl our streets at early hours in a morning do they??
Most heroin addicts do not 'prowl' the streets at an early hour...they are completely wasted at this time of day...mid morning/early afternoon they tend to shuffle about a bit...shoplift a bit to get their gear, then retire for the day...Its a common mistake, fed by the redtops, that addicts are some form of master criminals responsible for the downfall of society..they are not...they aren't capable of finding a vein let alone do several burglarys and sell items on...
int the prob here of tarring all peeps with the same brush?
not all "gypsys" are "pikeys" or "romani" or thieves. neither are all heroin addicts.
That dont mean that some arent, either.
i agree. i know quite a few gypsys and there good people. some people are just theiving **** bags and probably braught up that way or left to fend for themselves. but i dont agree with "heroin addicts" being incapable of being out and about at 4-5 am in a morning as only other week i did a carboot and was up loading car with stuff and when i went back to get sum more bits the scum bags were looking round car. If they can take it they will coz they will sell anything for 10quid for a fix. they are "addicts" at the end of the day
Did they have T shirts on saying 'I am a heroin addict'? Or are you assuming...just like the assumption earlier about gypsys?
i never realised just how many landies was being nicked, think if i was to own one after reading the threads from you guys, with all the time effrot and money you throw at your landy, i would have the tamper activated tracker fitted. as soon as anyone fiddles with the vehicle in any way the system goes live and the pikey lowlife dont even know. as well as fitting twin sirens to a good cat1 alarm, and an extra one inside to deafen the thieving scum.if you see id on ebay report the item, and tell the police. i done it to a bloke 2 years ago on there, turned out he had more than 15 range rovers in his place, all ringers. he got 3years. so sometimes the police do the job they are meant to

Where dus it say that if some one is steeling it's a jipsy this is racist if you made out every black man was steeling landys you would be delt with severley it's a discrase

Ah've just re-read this a few times and can't see any mention o' the word "Jipsy":confused:
Most o' the 'travelling' type o' folk we get around here are from Irish descent. Used tae see a few o' them grungy / hippy lot anaw a whiles back but they haven't been around fur ages.

The way ah see the word "Pikey" bein' used is probably taken from the fish called a Pike. They usually go about helpin' themselves tae all the other stuff that happens tae live in the same area... other fish, ducklings etc;)
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