
New Member
Hi everybody

No wonder so many landrovers are being stolen with the amount of people selling i.d's for them. Last week i was browsing ebay for bits off my old 90 that went walkies, and i came across somebody in rotherham selling an i.d for 1988 landrover 110 td. The chassis wasnt included in the sale, there was a photo of the number plates, vin plate, m.o.t cert, tax disc, logbook. It was on for a number of days before ebay removed it or it was sold. He was asking £100 for the lot, so really if somebody nicks a 110 it would have cost them £100 to put an i.d on it and then theres not much chance of the police finding it as the i.d was still taxed and tested!. God Help Us!!
It's against ebay rules to sell vehicle documents without a vehicle. They remove the listings but there's still loads of em listed.
there's at least 4 land rovers within 5 miles of me running around on tax exempt plates which they shouldn't have,one of them is a defender ffs.there's never much outcry about that sort of behaviour,perhaps it's because it is perceived as shafting the government.
iv always wanted to take the plates(and other bits and pieces) of my series 2 (tax exempt) and put them on my 90 just to see how long it would last before i got the rozzers on to me. other than that i dont believe in it but around this area theres not much of that going on tbf
i got offered a tax exempt plate for £100 the other week:rolleyes: he seemed quite surprised when i declined, some folks really don't see anything wrong with it!
i also got offerd a tax exempt i.d today for £50 off a landrover owner, some people just have no morals. like there selling something not out of the ordinary. Dont they understand this is why our landys are going missing!! id **** ma self if there landy went walkies especially off somebody they sold an i.d to!! lol. Its becoming disturbingly often that im hearing of landys going missing. most 90s on ebay have got a story behind them, theres 1 for sale at £1800. 200tdi defender just had full respray on a F REG!! ffs
i never realised just how many landies was being nicked, think if i was to own one after reading the threads from you guys, with all the time effrot and money you throw at your landy, i would have the tamper activated tracker fitted. as soon as anyone fiddles with the vehicle in any way the system goes live and the pikey lowlife dont even know. as well as fitting twin sirens to a good cat1 alarm, and an extra one inside to deafen the thieving scum.if you see id on ebay report the item, and tell the police. i done it to a bloke 2 years ago on there, turned out he had more than 15 range rovers in his place, all ringers. he got 3years. so sometimes the police do the job they are meant to
Ironocally, this is the law shooting itself in the foot.

You can put personalised plates on a vehicle provided they aren't NEWER than the original reg. Obviously, making a car look newer would be the rip off.

Putting older plates on a car is fine, as obviously it's worth less if older so can't be to rip someone off............unless there is another factor involved ;)

And before someone shouts up - of course there is a big difference between personalised plates, and claiming a different year of original registration / manufacture.
has anyone ever bought a landy and found out that it was stolen?? could you claim the money back if they caught the scum who sold it to you??
has anyone ever bought a landy and found out that it was stolen?? could you claim the money back if they caught the scum who sold it to you??

Probably not unless it was bought through a reputable garage/dealership who are responsible for doing their own checks. Am pretty sure I saw something on tv a few years back about ringed cars and the owners losing both the vehicle and the money they paid for it.
Probably not unless it was bought through a reputable garage/dealership who are responsible for doing their own checks. Am pretty sure I saw something on tv a few years back about ringed cars and the owners losing both the vehicle and the money they paid for it.

Yes if they catch the person who stole it and s/he is the person you bought it off. There is nothing to stop you from taking the theiving scumbag to the small claims court and trying to get your money back that way. Alternatively send a couple of large friends round to insist that you be recompensed.
a couple of large friends sounds the best option..i doubt the scum would turn up in court! i suppose if the VIN plate looks authentic then their is no other way of spotting a ringed car!? i doubt most older landys people buy come with the origional bill of sale or full service history so you could ring up the garage that has looked after it to see if they know about the vehicles history! i suppose a AA vehicle check (i think they are about £70?) is a way to help spot a ringed car??
i agree with the sending a few big lads round aswell, maybe taking them for a long drive into the moores. The thoughts that have gone through my mind since my 90 went missing!!. God knows what i would do to the scum bags who took it, somebody local knows as it was found less than 5mile away in bits. Im even thinking about putting a price on them, some people in doncaster would do anything for a few hundred quid, even grass there mates up i hope hehe
yer their is no honour among thieves...put the word out that you are after the people who took your landy...their will be somebody braggin about it down the pub i bet so people will know who took it!
I would have thought selling an ID is ok if you are selling it with some part of the vehicle, most people sell them with the front dumb iron
I saw one guy though who said he would sent a bag of rust with it (IDIOT)
I would have thought selling an ID is ok if you are selling it with some part of the vehicle, most people sell them with the front dumb iron
I saw one guy though who said he would sent a bag of rust with it (IDIOT)
I would say the absolute minimum amount of vehicle should be at least the chassis. Trouble is there's no knowing if it's the right chassis or just one from the scrappers, and what the buyer does with it is another thing.

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