
Well-Known Member
Hi all

My Defender has been stolen this morning - can anybody help in tracing it?

*** Description removed by poster as now recovered.

Just MOTd this month. 2 new Michjelin 4x4s on the front. Full new brake system all round (calipers the works) including new hand brake shoes. Several new parts in the vehicle etc.

PLEASE PLEASE help if you can. I had full recovery kit in the back along with hydraulic jack, tools loads of stuff but most importantly sentimental items belonging to my brother who has passed away. They were in his car and have been in each vehicle of mine since.

The registration mark is *** (removed by poster) and I will pay a reward to get it and the contents back.

Please contact me if you can help.
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I'm really sorry to hear this mate ;( I'm a fair distance away from you but I will sure keep an eye out and help if I can. I've put the reg in my diary (carry it in the car everywhere i go during work hours)

Hope you get it back...

Thanks very much mate, appreciated.

Been greetin' me eyes out over the items that belonged to my dad and brother, absolutely gutted. Vehicles can be replaced but there was also a pile of recovery kit which took a long time to put together and the items belonging to my dad and brother can't be replaced.


Landyfox is near you, he won't be chuffed that it's happening that far north but if you PM him or get him on here he's probably in a good position to keep an eye out.
Absolutely gutted for you, the rat 8ustards don't realise what emotional effects their actions have on their victims.
Good luck with your search
Hi Will - police will be here at 2 tomorrow. Have spent best part of the evening driving around likely yards/breakers etc. No joy. Police say as soon as it was reported stolen earlier today the n umber would be recognised by the cameras but as far as I know they haven't physically checked cctv; they just say it hasn't shown up on cameras anywhere.
P38dseGAV - cheers mate, will have a look at that site.

defender11069 - I will put it on landywatch thanks for the heads up.

the_wolf - cheers, I will pm Landyfox, the more eyes the better.

bellowhead - thanks mate. Yup, I'm not loaded and all the money I have is in the LR. My gear took ages to put together to get to that stage - everything you could think of for an old LR which might break down any time any where - from hydraulic jacks to ruddy airbed and camping stove, entrenching tool, tools, torches the works. Just gutted. Really brings it home what total ******ds thieves are, they just take something that other people have worked hard for and care about.

THANK YOU to all forum members who participated in posting details of the LR and helping with the search as well as sending good wishes.
My LandRover has been found in a ditch this morning near Causey Arch over the border in Gateshead Council area. The vehicle was discovered by Gateshead Council workmen who called their Council who in turn notified Northumbria Police where the LR flagged up as stolen; they in turn notified Co. Durham police who cover this Tyne and Wear area.
Community cop radioed in while here for further details as I asked about my stuff in the back etc. The policeman who attended and arranged recovery of the vehicle said there seemed to be a lot of stuff in the back; I'm hopeful that this means much of it is still there.
The recovery guys who pulled it out of the ditch said that it didn't appear to be unduly damaged but that the ignition wires were hanging out. It's now in a secure compound and will stay there till forensics have finished with it as they still want to know who stole it. They'll get in touch with me then.
I really believe that they never intended to abandon the vehicle but to strip it down and that the fact that I contacted anyone and everyone connected, and unconnected to Land Rovers but with motor trade knowledge etc., and that people like you guys went to the efforts you did is what has allowed it to be recovered. We said last night that it would go one of two ways - I'd visited strangers houses with Defenders parked outside and talked to them, driven around and checked yards, walked into pubs I'd never been in before and announced I was looking for it (I had what my OH refers to as "that face" on), dropped into community police stations en route where they put the number in their notebooks and called and posted all over the place - the two ways being they would panic and have it stripped and away in no time or it would become so uncomfortable for them they couldn't afford to hang onto it one second longer. I think that's what happened.

I'll keep you guys posted on what's recovered and what needs doing to it. They've said they'll let me know if they find out who took it, who knows, if they find them I might just take up some of those other offers I've received on holding the scrotes down or doing other unmentionable things to sensitive areas! ;)

Particular thanks to Landyfox and Grip for the advice and assistance. Grip, hope to catch up with you and your mate sometime for an outdoors brew - would be very good to have a larger circle of LR owners known to me in the area.

Again, many thanks to all forum members for feedback, advice and assistance.

Just pays, I think now, to use every tool in the box to get your vehicle back. The police said they wouldn't follow the cctv, if it didn't ping the traffic cameras by reg no. then they wouldn't have a clue where to start. The LR didn't ping any cameras the whole time it was gone so they must have been on a back road or it was under cover sharpish, it's not the kind of vehicle you'd take for a joyride in broad daylight so I think they intended to stash it and break it, but holding onto it has hopefully proved too hot thanks to people like yourselves who're prepared to put in the effort. Thanks.
Thats great news I'm really really pleased for you! Was sat at work wondering if you'd heard anything this morning!!

Well done mate!! :):):):):):):):):):):):)
Really pleased you got it back... Northumbria police are alright... They recovered my last one when it was stolen too... Will you please pm me where abouts you are in Tyne and Wear as where it was found is very, very close to me :eek:

Did you have any security on it when it was stolen?

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