the movie "the village"...its about this blind girl who lives in like the 1700's or something in a small village and in the woods surrounding it theres monsters so she goes out through the woods but its like present day on the other side of the woods and a park ranger driving a green defender 90 finds her
Well Slob, I could lend you the DVD - but you haven't given back the last one I lent you yet: Debbie does Solihull :p
well...theres like one guy in the town that knows that its present day (when all the people in the village think its like the 1800's) and he made up the mosters that live in the woods. theres someone sick so the old man sends a blind girl to go through the woods and bring back medicine...she gets out of the woods and a park ranger driving a defender 90 drives up, gives her the medicine and puts her on her way....heres a good site
OK folks, a big THANK YOU to square-eyed Slob and everyone else who came up with suggestions. Heidi's website now has a page called "Sollywood" where we have 10 pictures of Land Rovers in films - can you guess the films though? I know it's not very high-tech, but hitting a computer with a spanner doesn't work in quite the same way as it does for a Rover ;)

Please have a look here: (click on the Sollywood button) and then leave some feedback on Heidi's message board. If anyone has suggestions for other silliness please let me know :p
i've heard arnie is doing a trilogy about his time with a landrover. the first one is about when he discovers a series 3 in a barn and goes about getting it road worthy again, the second one is all about how he adds all the finishing touches including the paintwork and finally he gets to take it off roading.
working titles are total rebuild, total respray and total write off...he was gonna do one about the vauxhall frontier called total recall but that title has been used allready
There's one in Watership Down. Reg' No MK 676 I think, wonder if it's still running?
there's a Series in an early Take That video - my God Daughter has assured me of this information. Apparently Sheddy is President of the Take That Fan Club!!!

Merry Xmas
Oh my gawd...what's he reviving this old thread for?

Well, it's got something to do with films - ya see? I posted the following question on a film forum, but they're all about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike in there. So, I'm gonna post the same question in here and see how much smarter the Land Rover nuts are ;)
Here goes...

Yeah - I know , I know, but 2 heads are better than 1 so you lot can put your heads together and help me out on this one
I've been scratching my bonce for years but can't get anything other than splinters :(
Here's what I can remember about the film:
The opening scene is a courtroom. Some mobsters are being sentenced to long jail terms for being naughty boys. Chief witness is an informer. As they're being led away to the cells, they start singing "We'll meet again" - an ominous threat to Mr Informer. The years go by and the informer gets a call from one of his old buddies. The guys have just got out of nick and ex-buddy, along with a young "apprentice", has the job of taking the informer across country to meet them (where, no doubt, they'll have a nice chat :)
Most of the remainder of the film follows the threesome as they travel down to meet the rest of the gang. All the time the witness tries to wind-up the young lad, playing him off against the old pro and generally being a pain-in-the-arse.
The landscape was kinda desert (if the old grey stuff serves me well) but I can't remember much more. Don't know the actors' names or who directed the f*****g thing.

Does this sound familiar to you? Have you seen this film? Can you put me out of my... well, you get the gist

This bit was added later:

Well, I think it was American. I suppose you'd call it a drama/road movie. Most of the film was just the three guys travelling across the country. I remember 1 scene where they pay a visit to someone who knows the main villain but not the other 2. This guy is probably some petty criminal who is now trying to go straight. He's wearing a dressing gown (if I remember right) and smoking a cigar. He looks slightly nervous when the gangster calls with his two "followers". There follows a short conversation (can't remember what about) and the gangster makes ready to leave. At this point the informer introduces himself to the man in the dressing gown. He recognises the name and suddenly looks extremely worried, because he realises the gangster doesn't want anyone to know where the missing man is. He promises not to blab, but the gangster's having none of it :eek: and shoots him.

Can you help?
the family way, filmed in bolton had a yellow series lr in it.

spring and port wine also had a lr in it. arthur gasket (honest!) raced it agin a blue mini van!

ps. arthur was played by rodney bewes, the likely lad.
oohh what happened to him, whatever happened to him, what became of the perrson, he used to be ;)

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