what that arnie one where his wife and kid get it from a drug dealers bomb, i'm sure there on in that
Did anyone see Scrapheap challenge on Sunday?

There was a landie on that. The daft ****$ deserved to loose with that set up. Imagine what it would have driven like if the wheels didn't have those segments missing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyone watch vic and bob in catterick? had a real sweet 4.6 HSE which was the star of the prog (for saddos like me anyway ;) )

rather liked the yellow one in layer cake as well
There are also a shed full of range rovers in oceans twelve..i think its 3 or 4....hope it helps
Hows about Tom Wilkinsons Film about the triple Rettendon murders - "Essex Boys" also known as 'The Range Rover Murders'............
the drug lord (the short arse with a YMCA tash) in "Clear and Present Danger" has a couple of classic rangies to get round his heroin farm.
scott110 said:
Well, my landrover has not been in a film (i dont think), however it was used to transport pearce brosnan around whilst filming a James Bond film a few years ago before we owned it. As it was owned by a company called Film 4x4.
This doesnt really help you, but i thoght i would just mention it lol.:rolleyes:[/quote

mine ain't been in a flim that i know off but we once sat on it seats while watching dog soldiers on dvd and having some of bob's finest
your forgiven....just so you know i'm always on top of summin whether that be the situation or my mechanic or in some cases ,the world.
and for the record i'm sure some of the vehicles in the mad max movies are converted landies..
One from me, the city cabs in Judge Dredd re bodied 101's, and one from the Ayathollah (my missus),the green series motor on Rosemary and Thyme.

Regards WP.
There is definitely one in the Archers.

I heard it today.

John :"good morning Old Ted What are you up to then"

Old Ted :"Oi be jarst choingin t'whoil arn this ere Fooordsarn"

John :"I say old chap look out"

: Sound of Defender hurtling past at great speed " brrrm brrrrrm
brrrrrrrrrm" (I think it was missing a bit on No 3 cylinder).

:sound of old Ted falling over " thump squelllch"


John : "I say old boy has that jack handle gone right up your back

Didn't anyone else here it?
: Sound of Defender hurtling past at great speed " brrrm brrrrrm
brrrrrrrrrm" (I think it was missing a bit on No 3 cylinder).

] it was probelly a disco if it was missin

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