On or around Tue, 06 Jun 2006 09:22:09 -0400, PeterD <peter2@hipson.net>
enlightened us thusly:

>On Tue, 6 Jun 2006 07:42:09 +1000, "Trevor Wilson"
><trevor@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au> wrote:
>>http://youtube.com/watch?v=FpztVxOtvQw&search=Top Gear

>ROFL, anyone who would buy a three wheel vehicle is getting just waht
>they ask for! Fun!!!

mind, I've long thought than Needell has way to much opinon of himself and a
lack of convincing ability to match it.

you could do that trick with *any* car.

having owned and driven various reliants, and yes, crashed 'em too, they're
a bloody sight more fun than most people think.

and FWIW, I've seen 90 on the clock on a robin.

also interesting to note how relatively unscathed it is, too, afterwards.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
"Quos deus vult perdere, prius dementat" Euripedes, quoted in
Boswell's "Johnson".
drystone@swiftdsl.com.au wrote:

> The most important issue for me and my family is, why did this
> accident happen? Furthermore, what will stop it happening again?

Bolts vibrating loose are definitely a fact of life on vehicles used on
rough roads. The lack of inspection of this item is less LR's fault and
more a side effect of the ****ed up Australian system of having no
periodic vehicle safety inspections. If you had a system like the UK or
NZ where the MOT/WOF checked such items it is unlikely that the problem
would have occurred. As you don't it might be worth investing a bit of
money in getting a reputable mechanic to have a regular look
under/around the vehicle at items that are not normally part of routine

In aus.cars Austin Shackles <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:

> having owned and driven various reliants, and yes, crashed 'em too, they're
> a bloody sight more fun than most people think.

> and FWIW, I've seen 90 on the clock on a robin.

> also interesting to note how relatively unscathed it is, too, afterwards.

Yes, but was it on LPG? Oops - wrong group. :p

<http://cust.idl.com.au/athol> Linux Registered User # 254000
The state of infrastructure in New South Wales is a disgrace.
I'm a Libran Engineer. I don't argue, I discuss.
In article <e66g4l$lvk$1@lust.ihug.co.nz>, embtwo@gmail.com says...

> money in getting a reputable mechanic to have a regular look
> under/around the vehicle at items that are not normally part of routine
> servicing.

That *IS* part of regular servicing by dealers and dealers do have a
problem with the wage they pay to competent mechanics.

I don't take sides.
It's more fun to insult everyone.

Albm&ctd wrote:
> In article <e66g4l$lvk$1@lust.ihug.co.nz>, embtwo@gmail.com says...
> > money in getting a reputable mechanic to have a regular look
> > under/around the vehicle at items that are not normally part of routine
> > servicing.
> >

> That *IS* part of regular servicing by dealers and dealers do have a
> problem with the wage they pay to competent mechanics.
> Al
> --
> I don't take sides.
> It's more fun to insult everyone.
> http://kwakakid.cjb.net/insult.html

Land Rover have taken responsibility, and although they've acknowledged
they do not check these bolts when servicing, one could infer they
should have. Otherwise they'd treat the matter like a punctured
tyre--owner's responsibility.

On or around 08 Jun 2006 03:19:17 GMT, athol <me@privacy.net> enlightened us

>In aus.cars Austin Shackles <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:
>> having owned and driven various reliants, and yes, crashed 'em too, they're
>> a bloody sight more fun than most people think.

>> and FWIW, I've seen 90 on the clock on a robin.

>> also interesting to note how relatively unscathed it is, too, afterwards.

>Yes, but was it on LPG? Oops - wrong group. :p

I have actually seen a Robin with, apparently, an LPG conversion.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
"For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then
something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination -
we learned to talk." Pink Floyd (1994)
On 2006-06-08, Austin Shackles <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:

> I have actually seen a Robin with, apparently, an LPG conversion.

What, did they just open the boot, aim the tank and knock the valve off?

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
drystone@swiftdsl.com.au wrote:
> Albm&ctd wrote:
>>In article <e66g4l$lvk$1@lust.ihug.co.nz>, embtwo@gmail.com says...
>>>money in getting a reputable mechanic to have a regular look
>>>under/around the vehicle at items that are not normally part of routine

>>That *IS* part of regular servicing by dealers and dealers do have a
>>problem with the wage they pay to competent mechanics.
>>I don't take sides.
>>It's more fun to insult everyone.

> Land Rover have taken responsibility, and although they've acknowledged
> they do not check these bolts when servicing, one could infer they
> should have. Otherwise they'd treat the matter like a punctured
> tyre--owner's responsibility.

Good result.
How much yelling was needed to get them to cooperate?


> Good result.
> How much yelling was needed to get them to cooperate?
> Daryl

A hell of a lot!

In article <1149764322.409165.138170@f6g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>,
drystone@swiftdsl.com.au says...
> > Good result.
> > How much yelling was needed to get them to cooperate?
> >
> >
> > Daryl

> A hell of a lot!

Don't you mean A HELL OF A LOT!!! ??
It's nice to see a happy ending but would you buy another?

I don't take sides.
It's more fun to insult everyone.
On or around Thu, 8 Jun 2006 10:00:13 +0100, Ian Rawlings
<news05@tarcus.org.uk> enlightened us thusly:

>On 2006-06-08, Austin Shackles <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote:
>> I have actually seen a Robin with, apparently, an LPG conversion.

>What, did they just open the boot, aim the tank and knock the valve off?

hehe. I dunno. all I saw was a gas filler on the outside back.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
"Brevis esse laboro, Obscurus fio" (it is when I struggle to be
brief that I become obscure) Horace (65 - 8 BC) Ars Poetica, 25

> >

> Don't you mean A HELL OF A LOT!!! ??
> It's nice to see a happy ending but would you buy another?

Yes, that's what I meant.

Would I buy another?--NO!

and now my bonnet catch on my series 3 has failed, only thinging keeping it
shut right now is the spare tire. Don't know whats wrong, it just wont latch
when I drop the bonnet, plenty of wd40 to loosen up any rust, but it still
won't work. Maybe next time I go over a speed hump it will close, but I
reckon I am going to have to replace the catch as soon as I get the chance.
suppose I had better secure it with a couple of bungees or a strap in the

Series 3 rust and holes

"Tom Woods" <news@NOPSAMtomwoods.co.uk> wrote in message
> The same thing has happened on my 2A at 60mph.
> I really almost did have to change my trousers afterwards!
> I always check that my secondary locking hasp thing is clipped down
> and locked now before i drive anywhere.


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