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Vandals smear POO over couple's cars for THIRD time and then set fire to one.


This bloke lives a couple of miles down the road from me. I drove past the other day and saw it smeared but thought it was mud, turns out its not. Starting to feel sorry for the couple but at the same time, there must be a very personal reason for such an attack and for it to happen 3 times already.

First it was just poop, now they have set fire to the Volvo. It probably won't be long until the Land Rover goes next.

For the sake of the Land Rover, if nothing else, should I offer the bloke a safe place to keep it? I have a secure farm out of the city where it would be safe.

The only reason I am questioning whether to help (and therefor making this thread) is that if I get envolved, I might be putting myself in the middle of something. The owner of the landy might not be at all innocent in all this. We have no idea.

Anyone got any thoughts? It would be a shame to read tomorrow that the landy has gone too. At the same time, I don't want the trouble finding its way to me.
Things like that have back stories especially symbolic covering a vehicle in ****. Sounds like a hounding out message relating to the family. Could be a Brexiteer family annoying Remainers or local eastern eurolanders. We live in strange times.
Really, I wouldn't get involved in whatever it is that's going on there if I was you.... if you imagine the kind of nasy trouble whoever it is that's done that there must have gone through, would you really want to get on that person's wrong side, and for what? There are loads more series land rovers sitting out there in fields in barns needing rescuing, don't bother with this one.
Don't get involved.

And honestly who cares about the landy, I mean really, it's just a bog standard series, I don't understand this 'sentimental' attachment to landrovers people don't even own.

Plenty more out there, I say don't get involved it likely won't turn out good for you this is clearly a deeply personal vendetta- leave it to the police to sort out
Vandals smear POO over couple's cars for THIRD time and then set fire to one.


This bloke lives a couple of miles down the road from me. I drove past the other day and saw it smeared but thought it was mud, turns out its not. Starting to feel sorry for the couple but at the same time, there must be a very personal reason for such an attack and for it to happen 3 times already.

First it was just poop, now they have set fire to the Volvo. It probably won't be long until the Land Rover goes next.

For the sake of the Land Rover, if nothing else, should I offer the bloke a safe place to keep it? I have a secure farm out of the city where it would be safe.

The only reason I am questioning whether to help (and therefor making this thread) is that if I get envolved, I might be putting myself in the middle of something. The owner of the landy might not be at all innocent in all this. We have no idea.

Anyone got any thoughts? It would be a shame to read tomorrow that the landy has gone too. At the same time, I don't want the trouble finding its way to me.

I would let him store it if you have space, just make sure he isn't coming to see it every day/week..... He is clearly in a pickle and no matter what has happened he should be able to park his vehicle without that happening. Its clearly a woman thing... nobody else would **** in a bucket for that long all in the name of revenge.

But she clearly isn't that clever as it would be a lot more effective to focus on the vents/joints, seals and various openings... are you sure its not some yuppie mud spray on to make it look like an orf roader.
I'd say avoid, owner could always get a CCTV camera installed to try and catch the perpetrator(s) and hand it over to police for them to sort
Smear campaign is one thing but setting fire to someones car is serious stuff, must be something deep here or someone who is a bit unstable.
Firstly, as others have said and I agree with, keep out of it - there are some crazy freaks about in this modern world - best left to the authorities...

I'd say avoid, owner could always get a CCTV camera installed to try and catch the perpetrator(s) and hand it over to police for them to sort

^ is the answer - IME the police have CCTV systems they can install for such purposes.
Yes, my knowledge of human nature suggests that this has some sort of romantic origin. It's the sort of thing that happens when people split up. Fortunately I've never been involved as either the miscreant or the target, but acquaintances have been over the years. One women I knew told me about how she went out in the wee small hours to vandalise a soon-to -be-ex-partner's car (spray paint in her case) and the taxi driver who took her to the scene of the crime told her that he often got called out in the middle of the night on such jobs. So there's a whole night-time economy operating more or less under our noses.
It's a shame that there isn't some way of getting a sample of the culprit's DNA to help track them down. Wait a minute.........o_O

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