Puts my problems into perspective. Occasionally when there is no room outside our house I park round the corner under some lime trees. So the car is covered in sticky stuff and it seems to have a very laxative effect on the birds too.
Sounds like a
I'm actually working on another part of that estate at the moment (going on that street sign in one of the photos). I will keep a careful lookout for anyone acting suspiciously with a wheel barrow full of crap.
For what it's worth and from knowing the chap pretty well,and having done so for a good number of years,
I personally would vouch not just for the validity of his character BUT also that he has personally helped many many folks out (often at his own expense and time) across the series world ...He would truly share anything he had to help someone out .
Having recently helped him move a great quantity of series spares from his EX-marital home and move counties,it's a great great shame that Jim has been suffering the vandalism he has been .Let alone losing his job as a result of it .

That said I can fully understand WHY folks would be reluctant to get involved with a **** daubing psychopathic arsonist on the loose ....
I think the thing Jim would appreciate MOST is a swift phone call to the authorities IF anyone spots anything relevant and maybe a nod and letting him know that folks have got his back and are looking out .
For what it's worth and from knowing the chap pretty well,and having done so for a good number of years,
I personally would vouch not just for the validity of his character BUT also that he has personally helped many many folks out (often at his own expense and time) across the series world ...He would truly share anything he had to help someone out .
Having recently helped him move a great quantity of series spares from his EX-marital home and move counties,it's a great great shame that Jim has been suffering the vandalism he has been .Let alone losing his job as a result of it .

That said I can fully understand WHY folks would be reluctant to get involved with a **** daubing psychopathic arsonist on the loose ....
I think the thing Jim would appreciate MOST is a swift phone call to the authorities IF anyone spots anything relevant and maybe a nod and letting him know that folks have got his back and are looking out .

Nice to hear. Hard to make a judgement call when all you have is the echo and fb comments to go off. Sounds like he's probably got some good mates out there, or at the very least owed a favour or two. Maybe he should reach out (even if this is out of character) and get the landy moved.

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