I get a fair bit in my Series - but - i actually get a lot more in the Spitfire - probably helped by the roar it can make :)

Glad to see you are an optomist - i think a lot of people would see £2,000 for insurance and a second year at £1,500 - which - by the way - is not a 50% discount unless they put your premium up to £3,000 first - but - yeh - a lot of money to be paying.

Give it a few years and it will come down - mines only £100 now :)

Smug git?? :p

twice this week pulled by the police early hours of the morning on way to work so yeah i'd say mine attracts attention!
"just a random check sir ,where u going ,where u been ,whats youre registration ,where do u live"
good to see they're keeping an eye out for stolen vehicles:D
Mine gets looks and the odd wave, usually from Defender owners tho, most of the Disco owners seem disgusted that its lifted with angery tyres on it!

No offence Disco owners... remember I'm one too!:p

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