Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!
My first Series cost me just under a tenner to insure fully comp, and me motybike cost under four quid!

Mind you, that was in the 60's ;);):D:D

I went ape when the Series went up to twelve quid!! :mad:

It's now under a hundred and includes business ... and I'm still being robbed!

Im with flux direct and pay £545 fully comp, mods declaired, 15000 miles use and can drive anything 3rd party under my engine size and thays on a 93 200 disco. Im 22, 4 years ncb 5 years driving. what ****es me of is they dont take into account my other 4driving quals, i can drive something as big as a artic lorry and i dont get any reconision of that with a discount, but someone that has done a extra hours driving lesson to get "pass plus" get a discount.... how does that work out??
im in the same boat... got a 2008 defender and can't get a decent price on insurance, flux will only insure me when im 19 and the car has to be in my name etc...which it already is nfu is 21... most places are.
Is it going to be you daily driver? if not try limited milage.
if it is, some compaines will insure it under a parents name. But they will put you as the main driver. Don't try having it as parents car with you as named driver if you use it the most.

being young a lot of insurance compaines hate you lol. Putting older drivers on as named can bring quote down.

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