I would expect her to do 55 with ease and 75 without kicking the crap out of it but dont expect much more, your 200tdi has alot more horse power than my 19j engine for the same capacity and i get these speeds relatively easily .Your old man has to understand that if you are going to own a land rover you need to get your hands dirty or need very deep pockets for repair bills. Jack it up and have a look then take the bollocking you are an adult now ,man up and get jacking.
I had a tough dad when I was still at home. He was a copper and it was his way or the highway!
I take it you can take it for a spin by yourself ? Why not take it for a spin and just arrange to meet a forum member who has already offered support? Your dad would not find out then would he?
Yeah he can be tough! And very very stubbon. I think he thinks that 50MPH is fast enough for me or something. But exactly going to push it or bomb it down a dual carriage way or anything! Tbh i dont really think he knows why its like that. I dought the bloke that built/fitted the engine would restrict it in any way. Plus he didnt run it in like he said he did, otherwise he would of seen the problem and fixed it. I think my dad said earlier that all it was, was the throttle needs opening up, but i dont think he really knows how to fix the problem. And plus he wont do it.

Because i could take it to someone from the forum to have a look and fix it, but then he will know that either i/or someone has messed with it.
Yeah he can be tough! And very very stubbon. I think he thinks that 50MPH is fast enough for me or something. But exactly going to push it or bomb it down a dual carriage way or anything! Tbh i dont really think he knows why its like that. I dought the bloke that built/fitted the engine would restrict it in any way. Plus he didnt run it in like he said he did, otherwise he would of seen the problem and fixed it. I think my dad said earlier that all it was, was the throttle needs opening up, but i dont think he really knows how to fix the problem. And plus he wont do it.

Because i could take it to someone from the forum to have a look and fix it, but then he will know that either i/or someone has messed with it.

Maybe the Oldman was a sly fox and did something to the throttle or throttle linkage to limit the speed.

My first son now 37 when he was 16 a real wise ass knew everything.Started driving, going like a bat out of hell wouldn't listen to the,you drive to fast . So I lifted the bonnet and put a restiricting device on to slow it down. He bitched about the truck not going fast enough told him to take it to a garage He never had money to do that and wrecked it any way
tell the old man you've had a flat and while you are changing the wheel give it a spin,if you do sort it out don't say anything and leave him thinking he's right.everyones a winner.
Another thing that'll leave you stuck at 50 is if the boost pipe between the turbo and injection pump is missing or leaking as it won't be getting enough fuel...
When black smoke comes out when you start it? Thats a bad thing right? Or is it because the engine is still new and only done just under 100 miles?

What you mean, by as long as it goes quickly.... When i start it black smoke comes out of it. My dad seems to think its the diesel filter pushing to much through or something but When we first got it back, it didnt.
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Nobody has asked what ratio transfer box is fitted. I recently assisted to change the engine in my 110 from a 2.5 petrol to a 200tdi (well, I made the tea and supplied the biscuits), and was disappointed when the thing was screaming its guts out at 50/55mph, but admittedly on undersized tyres. (I hadn't done many miles on the petrol engine so didnt know what to expect). I put some 235/85 16s on and it still topped out at 60. Turns out my 110 has a 1.6 transfer box which I need to change when I get a roundtuit.

Thanks for the reply. I really dont know tbh. How do you find out? I asked my cousin and he said about something inside the fuel pump needs turning three quaters. So could that be the problem...

Its if the transfer box wouldnt the bloke who built the new engine changed or configured it? I dont know what the old engine was, it was a oringinal engine from a 90s land rover 110.

Its if the transfer box wouldnt the bloke who built the new engine changed or configured it? I dont know what the old engine was, it was a oringinal engine from a 90s land rover 110.

doesn't the fact you had the same ''issue'' prior to the engine change tell you anything ?

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