
I've had my series for over 2 years now and not been off road and only used 4 wheel drive a few times in snow, some may say why you got a landy if you don't off road?
My answer is I was not looking for one I ended buying it in bits, basically an unfinished progect from a friend who's landy mad and a wealth of knowledge about them.
I always fancied an old motor and this one was just avaliable and I had some pennies to spend, it could have been any other make of car and I still would have bought it. I use it daily for travelling to work only about a mile away but I start a 4 in the morning so its just convenient and safer to drive.
It's my toy and does what I want, a cheap 2nd car that is reliable ( yes really it is a reliable land rover the two times it would not start it was my fault after tinkering lol).
How many others on here don't use their landy off road and just enjoy driving something different?
I bought mine about 4 years ago, it might be 5 or 3. I've not used it off road yet unless you count the odd unsurfaced carpark. I hope you take it for a longer drive than 1 mile sometimes, else you engine won't last long.


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