
New Member
Ive heard alot of good stories about the lakes but I've never been before and would love to go sometime, just wondering if there is anyone out there that could pass on a route they have and give me some info about it.
Many thanks lee
Sounds like a plan mate, a Sunday is best for me too, what date you thinking of? I've got to do a couple of small jobs on my 90 first so might have to be a couple of weeks. There might be 1 or 2 more with me if that's ok.
i know all the best lanes in the lakes,:D im up for leading a small group one sunday,when are you lot free on a sunday?
How many you thinking of in the group? There is me and me mate that also has a 90 that is wanting to come. What date you guys thinking of as I've said need to do a couple of small jobs to mine and will be getting them sorted in the next week or so depending on work
Can we sort it for the 2nd dec if everyone is free for then as it gives me enough time to get sorted
and Gatescarth Pass is open that day if we get a permit
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Hmmm suspicious first post really, random noob joins up and only to say he wants to go greenlaning

Theres enough trouble with this activity without bringing more unknowns in who could easily be chavs with zuks looking to "tear s**t up" as it were and just rag it round off track messing up the lanes.

Nothing personal you could be a nice normal person but just rather suspicious as we've had others sign up and ask straight away to be shown where the lanes are. Turn up with 5 mates in s**t heaps then proceed to wreck the place
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Hmmm suspicious first post really, random noob joins up and only to say he wants to go greenlaning

Theres enough trouble with this activity without bringing more unknowns in who could easily be chavs with zuks looking to "tear s**t up" as it were and just rag it round off track messing up the lanes.

Nothing personal you could be a nice normal person but just rather suspicious as we've had others sign up and ask straight away to be shown where the lanes are. Turn up with 5 mates in s**t heaps then proceed to wreck the place

Just to let you know your wrong, I'm no chav, I'm not here to tear s**t up as you say, I'm been laning for a couple of year now, just like first post I've never been to the lakes, I've got all the lanes printed off the national park website, but I've never really planned a route, I've always been given them off some good friends from another site. (I use viewranger) just coz I'm a noob on this site doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing,
Get your facts right before you start making your mouth go.
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Did my post look like it was aimed at you mongoloid ?

No I didn't quote you in it, I put it under the one post wonder. I was simply stating what had happened before but seeing as you've taken such offence to a post that wasn't aimed at you raises its own questions

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