Considering you said, (Hmmm suspicious first post really) made me think you were talking to me as I started the thread.
Yes but if it had been aimed at you I would have said it in my earlier posts wouldn't I ?

Rather than lets see…….under the guy who's first post was saying yes me me me I want to go. Moron.

Use some common sense
The best thing you can do is stop being a stroppy noob who takes offence to anything and everything thats not aimed at him…….
Well then you're an even bigger idiot than you've made yourself out to be already considering I've already stated it wasn't.
He's just pointing out that there are a number of peeps that come on here asking for locations of lanes.These then go out and wreck the lanes and ultimately give us all a bad name.
he can be a bit forceful about this but that's not a bad thing, you don't want to be responsible for having our lanes took of us do you.

use them responsibly and we will have our playgrounds for a bit longer ;)
He's just pointing out that there are a number of peeps that come on here asking for locations of lanes.These then go out and wreck the lanes and ultimately give us all a bad name.
he can be a bit forceful about this but that's not a bad thing, you don't want to be responsible for having our lanes took of us do you.

use them responsibly and we will have our playgrounds for a bit longer ;)

That's a fair point mate, i know what your saying about asking for locations and realised after the first couple of replys i got. i was glad when peeps came forward and offered to lead, markieboi is a mate of mine and also been laning for a while now, if we were wanting to wreck the lanes I wouldn't be willing to follow the others that are willing to lead.
Dr evil will realise over time we aren't here to spoil our fun
Just to clarify I'm not some chav in a clapped out SJ, but thanks for the concern Dr Evil you f**king throbber.

Lee and myself are members of a local green laning club in the North East and have always fancied having a go at some of the lanes in the Lakes. To this we thought this would be a good place to ask to see if anyone would fancy leading a small group that's more familiar with the lanes than we would be, save us the hassle of getting lost time and again. I didn't realise we'd get spoken to like s**t off some bin dipper that thinks all the lanes are his. A nice welcome to a site that looks to be quite a good one. Shame.
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That's a fair point mate, i know what your saying about asking for locations and realised after the first couple of replys i got. i was glad when peeps came forward and offered to lead, markieboi is a mate of mine and also been laning for a while now, if we were wanting to wreck the lanes I wouldn't be willing to follow the others that are willing to lead.
Dr evil will realise over time we aren't here to spoil our fun

Good for all of us, and i'm jealous that you're getting out and about in the Lakes.

I'd join you if I could (then pop round to Dr Evils for a cup of tea ;))

Have a good time :)
Just to clarify I'm not some chav in a clapped out SJ, but thanks for the concern Dr Evil you f**king throbber.

Lee and myself are members of a local green laning club in the North East and have always fancied having a go at some of the lanes in the Lakes. To this we thought this would be a good place to ask to see if anyone would fancy leading a small group that's more familiar with the lanes than we would be, save us the hassle of getting lost time and again. I didn't realise we'd get spoken to like s**t off some bin dipper that thinks all the lanes are his. A nice welcome to a site that looks to be quite a good one. Shame.

Did you walk in to local green laning club in the North East and the third person you spoke with call them a f**king throbber. We might be at different ends of the country and at pc's but Dr Evil is only trying to protect the lanes from a$$holes that want to go out and tear them up.

That said i would like to come down fae Scotland some time next year and do some of the lanes around the lakes before it is to late and the TRO's are in place. This site is full of pi$$ taking and banter sit back and enjoy you might just like it.:rolleyes:

And do not forget freinds are just the people you have not met yet.
Good for all of us, and i'm jealous that you're getting out and about in the Lakes.

I'd join you if I could (then pop round to Dr Evils for a cup of tea ;))

Have a good time :)

Did you walk in to local green laning club in the North East and the third person you spoke with call them a f**king throbber. We might be at different ends of the country and at pc's but Dr Evil is only trying to protect the lanes from a$$holes that want to go out and tear them up.

That said i would like to come down fae Scotland some time next year and do some of the lanes around the lakes before it is to late and the TRO's are in place. This site is full of pi$$ taking and banter sit back and enjoy you might just like it.:rolleyes:

And do not forget freinds are just the people you have not met yet.

You two are most welcome to join me for a cup of tea or a pint :)

Just to clarify I'm not some chav in a clapped out SJ, but thanks for the concern Dr Evil you f**king throbber.

Lee and myself are members of a local green laning club in the North East and have always fancied having a go at some of the lanes in the Lakes. To this we thought this would be a good place to ask to see if anyone would fancy leading a small group that's more familiar with the lanes than we would be, save us the hassle of getting lost time and again. I didn't realise we'd get spoken to like s**t off some bin dipper that thinks all the lanes are his. A nice welcome to a site that looks to be quite a good one. Shame.

You mr cnuty fcuk are not, as I said for a first post and not clarifying anything in it doesn't exactly come across well given that theres been a lot of tools loose on the lanes getting them closed
You two are most welcome to join me for a cup of tea or a pint :)

oh yeah
you up here later in the year mate ?

nah, unless we have a run up for the day sometime.

i'll contact you by pm if we do though ;)

the kids have been on so many trips this year (with us paying) numerous camping in this country with cubs,scouts and Air Cadets, we're holidayed out.

they've had a good time though, my daughter did her PL'S camp at Coniston this year (with her navigating :eek:) and they dint get lost :confused: :D
nah, unless we have a run up for the day sometime.

i'll contact you by pm if we do though ;)

the kids have been on so many trips this year (with us paying) numerous camping in this country with cubs,scouts and Air Cadets, we're holidayed out.

they've had a good time though, my daughter did her PL'S camp at Coniston this year (with her navigating :eek:) and they dint get lost :confused: :D

haha coniston has some nice ones near it :)

I may be down your neck of the woods nearer new year on a return loop but wont be in the landy as its a bit of a trek cos of the first leg
haha coniston has some nice ones near it :)

I may be down your neck of the woods nearer new year on a return loop but wont be in the landy as its a bit of a trek cos of the first leg

They tabbed it from way below Coniston up to around the middleish on day one, then broke camp and tabbed to well above the next day, she was over the moon with the whole thing :) then she got presented with her scout knife (engraved) cos it was her last camp before going into explorers.

Drop in Dude if you get the time :) we'll most likely have some festive cakes,nibbles and ales :cool:
They tabbed it from way below Coniston up to around the middleish on day one, then broke camp and tabbed to well above the next day, she was over the moon with the whole thing :) then she got presented with her scout knife (engraved) cos it was her last camp before going into explorers.

Drop in Dude if you get the time :) we'll most likely have some festive cakes,nibbles and ales :cool:

Well done to her then :D not been out there on foot for a long time!

Will do if I'm about, sounds like fun :) most likely have a festive elf with me too, she loves christmas and those jumpers for some reason :eek:

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