Woo Hoo!

New Member
Hi ~ I've got an old 110 Station Wagon (the old Y reg!)
She's called Sugar! :p

I know absolutely NOTHING on how she runs, what a rear diff is etc, but she loves the taste of diesel, pulls like a train, and I can fit 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 lambs and 3 bales of hay and the week's shopping in her in one go!

I've got two many of the following: Kids, horses, chickens, dogs and snakes. :)
One luvverly hubby.

About once a month the luvverly hubby & I argue because I want to paint Sugar a different colour from her two tone brown/beige to pink or red ~
One day he'll give in! :eek:
If you paint her you'll half her value. as you've got one of the earliest of the 110's they are becoming very sought after, especially in the USA where they fetch anything from £3000 to £6000. does yours have permanent or selectable 4 wheel drive? and can we have some pictures please.
Introducing the beeeautiful Sugar!!

That is one of the cleanest 83 110's I've ever seen If your gonna paint her do it in a proper colour (not pink) and have it done professionally.

If you're thinking of selling I know someone who may be interested.
What EVER you do, DON'T paint it 'pink' . . . that woul;d be CRIMINAL . . .

You could always paint your 'luvverly hubby' instead !!!!
busaboy, try getting in touch with your feminin side or try wearing high heels and a skirt and some makeup oh and on the way out dont forget to flick your hair back in the mirror i guess i ant got the answer ......... one of those female fings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Theres Fook All Wrong Wiv Wearin Wimmins Clothes But I Draw The Line At Callin Yer Car A Silly Name

Welcome By The Way Sugar ;)
Wotever, s'a pretty motor..................but it fekin wunt be if it wuz pink.

Oh, & welcome ter Lary Zone BTW.
That motor's purdy as it is. yer dun't wanna feck it up by painting it pink. Now, sum ol' III that dun't even go...............yer can paint it how yer like! :D
That motor's purdy as it is. yer dun't wanna feck it up by painting it pink. Now, sum ol' III that dun't even go...............yer can paint it how yer like! :D

That one were only painted pink so they could find it when the grass grew to tall round it
And I've got a magic potion if yer put it in yer drink you'll wake up in the morning feeling all refreshed and vibrant. I'll bring sum ta the shindig and yer can have a free sample of yer want.
And I've got a magic potion if yer put it in yer drink you'll wake up in the morning feeling all refreshed and vibrant. I'll bring sum ta the shindig and yer can have a free sample of yer want.

Duz it say 'drink me' on the bottle or is it just straightforward Rohypnol?

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