So another day at it and well its just got worse!

Took a moment to examine and reflect on what is the best way to cure Lady, after a bit of a closer inspection we found the rear inner arches and where the floor/arch meets the 1/4 panel in much worse condition than anticipated..

So we decided to remove the 1/4 panel and a see how we can piece this back together..

Heres some pics to make things a little clearer unfortunately my battery was just about dead and this is what i managed to grab before it died!


and a couple closer shots..



This is why you should check your vehicle entirely before you start working one end to realise later the other is F***ED , Although of course i'd rather she wasn't so bad i have no doubt that she will be better than original when complete.. And as i said at the start in for a penny...

Game Plan

Cut rear inner arches out completely, there is patch repair kits for the disco but i dont see sense in welding to cover up rust just another place for crap to settle and eat up all that hard work!

Unfortunatly i have not found complete rear inner arch panels (curved section inside the boot) has anyone else seen or heard of these panels for disco 1's?

I have found RRC panels which i believe are atleast very similar if not the same, can anyone confirm this?

Then the entire greeny/rusty section you see where the lower part of the 1/4 panel should be, will also be chopped out (please note rear folding seats will not be refitted, I will be making new fixings for the 2nd row) and replaced with sheet metal. Also the rear 1/4 panel windows will be taken out and she'll be part commercial ;)

depending on the arches we can source we will either raplace with new OE panels or one big square sheet metal then cut out where the arches will be etc

So any help on the arches much appreciated!
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I know that the boot is longer on a RRC than a Disco so worst case you will cut down a new panel to fit, I have looked at the sites I have bookmarked and can't find any.

Maybe start a new thread asking the question!!
Boy you have your hands full with that one!

Suck it up as this is about as bad as it will get for you. Now you are getting to the stage of putting it together which is more positive.

As you have stripped it down you may as well ensure everything is done to it that you need to do as it should be a few years before you have to do this again.

Remember to clean up as good asa humanly possible to ensure repairs last and most importantly of all, USE SEAM SEALER.

Great photos although a few from a distance would be great too. I enjoy looking through mine even now and it's good to take two photos, before and after, of each stage so you can gain enthusiasm from your successes.

Great job
I know that the boot is longer on a RRC than a Disco so worst case you will cut down a new panel to fit, I have looked at the sites I have bookmarked and can't find any.

Maybe start a new thread asking the question!!

Thanks that does help a bit and i have done a wee bit of research aswell and heres whhat i have found:

The rear door arch seal is the same from RRC to Disco 1 Meaning atleast some of it is the same shape and in all honestly the back end of the inner arch can be fabricated if needed, its getting the bit to fit the door side thats the issue.

Very few companies seem to still be making this panel ffor RRC's, one of which i found very helpful and was suprised was , very clued up on this!

Also another company which has been helpful is Brookwells who have indicated they will be starting to manufacture more panels for Disco 1's in the near feature, im waitiing to get more info on what and when.

Although this restoration is not going to be an overnight job either way not sure ill be able to wait for the Disco panels so think im going to have to stick to the RRC one :(
Boy you have your hands full with that one!

Suck it up as this is about as bad as it will get for you. Now you are getting to the stage of putting it together which is more positive.

As you have stripped it down you may as well ensure everything is done to it that you need to do as it should be a few years before you have to do this again.

Remember to clean up as good asa humanly possible to ensure repairs last and most importantly of all, USE SEAM SEALER.

Great photos although a few from a distance would be great too. I enjoy looking through mine even now and it's good to take two photos, before and after, of each stage so you can gain enthusiasm from your successes.

Great job

Thanks mate all encouragement is worth weight in gold at the moment!

We still have a little more stripping to do (O/S quarter panel then cutting out the entire arches and lower quarter panel bit both sides) :eek:

Then soon as i work out these arches it will start getting better... provided we get it all to go back as it should :p

If by Tuesday we havent come up with anything else i will order the RRC panels (Around £125 a side inc vat) and make them bloody fit! :mad:

Yes its all getting treated big time, i dont want to have to see this lot again for another 17years or more haha
Thanks that does help a bit and i have done a wee bit of research aswell and heres whhat i have found:

The rear door arch seal is the same from RRC to Disco 1 Meaning atleast some of it is the same shape and in all honestly the back end of the inner arch can be fabricated if needed, its getting the bit to fit the door side thats the issue.

Very few companies seem to still be making this panel ffor RRC's, one of which i found very helpful and was suprised was , very clued up on this!

Also another company which has been helpful is Brookwells who have indicated they will be starting to manufacture more panels for Disco 1's in the near feature, im waitiing to get more info on what and when.

Although this restoration is not going to be an overnight job either way not sure ill be able to wait for the Disco panels so think im going to have to stick to the RRC one :(

No probs, if you need any measurements I have my RRC stripped to the extent your disco is :eek: the arches are the same and I think the rear door shuts are the same as well so would just be the rear and maybe the filler pipe that is different.

Good luck. Hope you are painting the chassis with lots of something, I am planning on using polyurethane paint which they use on boats and lighthouses so should stand a bit of road salt, dries semiflexable to so should withstand a few knocks.
It's a pity you're so far away or I have a couple of friends that would join me in lending a hand I'm sure.

Arches are a pain. The other weekend I help a friend do his arches. The same areas as yours just about. Ended up cutting the rear half of both arches out and moving them back three inches or so. Go rid of the rust and extended the arches to accommodate large tyre when articulating. Turned out great in the end and only took a day.

This may be a mod you want to think about too if you plan on fitting large tyres
No probs, if you need any measurements I have my RRC stripped to the extent your disco is :eek: the arches are the same and I think the rear door shuts are the same as well so would just be the rear and maybe the filler pipe that is different.

Good luck. Hope you are painting the chassis with lots of something, I am planning on using polyurethane paint which they use on boats and lighthouses so should stand a bit of road salt, dries semiflexable to so should withstand a few knocks.

Stu what a diamond you are! Shouldn't need any measuurements if you are sure the arches are the same, damn im pleased to hear that!! Not too worried about the rear this can be easily made up with sheet metal and have been considering moving the filler neck as want those two panels fitted with chequer plate inside and the bulge on the O/S for the neck is right in the way!

Everything will be being treated, trust i dont want to be doing this again :D Have other projects to work on after this... series 3 hot rod?!

Will take a look at polyurethane paint sounds good!
It's a pity you're so far away or I have a couple of friends that would join me in lending a hand I'm sure.

Arches are a pain. The other weekend I help a friend do his arches. The same areas as yours just about. Ended up cutting the rear half of both arches out and moving them back three inches or so. Go rid of the rust and extended the arches to accommodate large tyre when articulating. Turned out great in the end and only took a day.

This may be a mod you want to think about too if you plan on fitting large tyres

Extra hands would be a god send especially since currently have one of the worse flu's ive had in years.. but as ever living in the back end of no where buggars this up! Thanks all the same!

Will have a measure up of the arches, i am thinking of getting some modular wheels but prob not loads bigger than what is on her, she actually performs very well in the mud with these tyres and dont want to make the cost of tyres too expensive. Although i do love your wheels and tyres :p
Glad to see someone with the same issues as me

I have the same issues with rot in the arches and quarter panels as you. I found some places sell complete arches but they are 200 quid a pop. I think I will end up making my own with a more square profile. Either that, or cut them out of one that isn't rotten.

Good luck with the build.
Stu - I live in Truro - Cornwall

JoelC - Ha to behonest i would say there is alot out there that share our issue's probably not many silly enough to try and over come them :D

Out of interest where did you find the arch kit? tho i will probably stick to the RRC ones as can have both sides for around £250 and as i will be keeping this part of the arch visible want it looking tidy.

So the most technical thing ive done today... Open a can of soup and feel sorry for myself :( This flu has to go!!
So Lady has had a little time to rest since her previous op and i'm back running on all cylinder and a full 3 days to crack on with the mountain of crap left to do!

Today i chopped out the fuel tank, and when i say chopped out i mean it! I really like angle grinders and i really hate rusty bolts!

So the fuel pipes to the sender unit was who'd of thought it.. RUSTY and no chance of sanely removing them so out came the sidecutter's and straight through the pipes i went (being careful not to damage sender unit as this costs alot more than the repairs i can make to the pipes).

Then over to the filler neck, jubilee clips.. Buggard .. Chop chop with the angle grinder and off came the clips.

Then theres a wee brace over the top of the tank not looking too healthing on the offside mounting basically i unbolting one side the rest fell apart :eek: Will make something to replace.

unbolted the four bolts for under tank support and hmm the tank didn't budge.. ah yes i had the N/S brace for the rotted towbar (like the bit the ball bolts too was dissapearing!) so being a bit angry by now from all the rusty bolts i climbed into the boot of the vehicle and jumped.. out came the tank believe it or not no more bend than it was already :D

Grabbed a punch, smashed out the bolt that had broken in the chassis holding the n/s towbar brace. Hit my hand then Lady in anger ( luckily a piece im about to cut out as not much left of it now!)

So plan for tomorrow;

Remove O/S/R quarterpanel.

Pressure wash the vehicle inside and out.

Cover the dash board so it doesn't get wet (woops too late)

Order some Manor chassis paint from somewhere if possible locally.. Unorganised again :doh:

Grab nearest weapon either trusy grinder or plasma cutter Mmmm ... Out goes the rear inner lower part of quarter panel, inner arch (inside boot bits), door arch section. all both sides :(

Then any time left over will be spent cleaning up any bits of metal not hacked away and start treating the sections that will soon be hidden.

Promise plenty of camera in exhange for any spare fingers to be crossed! Hopefully progress will be made!
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Quick Update

Removed O/S/R quarter panel.

Went crazy with the plasma cutter.

Took angle crinder and cleaned up edge's prep for welding.

Picked up 8x4 foot 2mm steel sheet so plenty to rebuilt lower inner rear quarterpanel shown missing in following pictures.





More tomorrow!
Just to let you know, Lady flew through her MOT a few months back, anyone wanting the rest of the job description let me know ill make some more posts... ALOT of work but shes worth it ;)

Show me the MUD!
its all worth it in the end, i for one am interested in the piccys as its good to see others work, one picture may answer somebodys questions
Love reading this type of rebuild, but I'm terrified I'll need to do it myself one day!!! :eek:

Keep up the good work !

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