What is it this month, with whingers, one post wonders and only post when they want something but never give, type posters. Surely the idea of a forum is to give as well as take and have a little banter along the way. :rolleyes:
they reckon that if you throw enough **** some of it will stick gayth

You joined in Dec 2010. First post 1st Feb 2011. Second post 12th March 2012 and a few more that month. Then nothing til you asked a question and got an answer in July 2012 and posted until your problem was sorted. Then nothing until you crop up again today 16 March 2013. Not exactly a serial contributor are you so STFU.
Better idea to learn to drive, if you can't reverse the thing without a camera you shouldn't be driving it IMO. Also a good idea to introduce yourself and your car.

Actually, having just read that, I will close my newly created account here. What a terrible advert for this forum Datatek is. There is nothing of any worth, humour, value, encouraging or helpful in anyway in what this misery has to offer. Just spade-fulls of pointless derision and nastiness. Goodbye landyzone. Datatek attitudes like that have no value any more, if you cannot see that then you are more of a waste than the poor OP you laid into..
Actually, having just read that, I will close my newly created account here. What a terrible advert for this forum Datatek is. There is nothing of any worth, humour, value, encouraging or helpful in anyway in what this misery has to offer. Just spade-fulls of pointless derision and nastiness. Goodbye landyzone. Datatek attitudes like that have no value any more, if you cannot see that then you are more of a waste than the poor OP you laid into..
Your posts wont be missed...oh youve only made 1....
Get a decent after market unit with rev cam capabilities. Playing around with the standard system is a waste of time plus low res screen will be awful coupled with a low quality camera. Look for android based head units.

If you planning to retro fit then get RAVE quickly to work out the maze of wires.

I am with everybody else if you register on the forum and crying for help on 0 post count you will get abused no matter what forum it is. We have many of them bad boys who buy a RRS and then register here and straight away post like "HELP!!!!" Rarely they will get helped. But if you stick around and put the time in to make everyone's life easier there will be many of the members reaching out with helpful advice.

This community only works if we all contribute.
Is it possible to fix the camera? I have a black screen when reversing. I would like it to work if possible to make hitching up the trailer easier.
There was an advert post not long ago about a repair service that the poster highly recommended, something like a 2 day turn around. I'll see if I can find it.
Is it possible to fix the camera? I have a black screen when reversing. I would like it to work if possible to make hitching up the trailer easier.

I occasionally get a blue screen on mine - randomly - but I think when it rains sometimes - which is making me think about what @Saint.V8 said earlier in this post.... time to check the boot!
Seems to be something in the air tonight, did someone put cocaine in the vaseline again.
What have I missed? I really shouldn't loose interest after reading a title that starts with L322 and includes reversing camera. What a thin skinned limp wristed new membership we seem to be attracting lately. :p:eek::D
Actually, having just read that, I will close my newly created account here. What a terrible advert for this forum Datatek is. There is nothing of any worth, humour, value, encouraging or helpful in anyway in what this misery has to offer. Just spade-fulls of pointless derision and nastiness. Goodbye landyzone. Datatek attitudes like that have no value any more, if you cannot see that then you are more of a waste than the poor OP you laid into..
Please put all your toys back in your pram and close the door,quietly behind you.

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