
New Member
Hoping this isn't related to my battery drain problem, the lower tailgate doesn't seem to lock home fully on the left hand side as you look at it, it closes and enough for the upper to latch into it, but with just the lower one shut, you can wiggle the left hand side slightly, whereas the right hand side is locked tight. Where's the adjustment for this?

You sure both motor locks are working as one of mine sticks which gives the same symptoms as your having with it only locking on one side.
Press the release button and see that both motors move freely.
common fault on 322s, the lock mechanisms on either end get glogged up inside with crap and rust. its an easy job to take them off strip them down and clean all the rust and crap out then re lube and assemble, i had to do mine last year and never had a problem since.
Lower the tailgate, unclip the carpeted cover and there located at either end. You will see them when you take off the cover
the latches are on the out side at each end of the lower tailgate, lower the tailgate and take out two bolts to remove from the car. give em a good old clean out and make sure all the internal parts move freely before lubing back up and refitting.
I had the exact same problem on mine, hadnt noticed it to be quite honest so it must have been like it since I owned the car (3 months).
Left hand side wasnt latching on the pin as the mech was seized up. Took the latch of cleaned it all up and put it back on and problem solved.
Only thing I did notice is that the small return spring on the inside of the tailgate is loose and I cant work out a way to put in back in place, for the mo everythings working so its not an issue.
I'm pretty sure the latch not working (hence tailgate not shut properly) was the reason I had so much water in my spare wheel well as since its all sorted and despite a huge amount of rain here in Plymouth its stayed bone dry now.
Squirt WD40 in the general area getting it all over the glass and plastic trim, it may not sort it but you will be so Pished off about the mess you will forget about it .....:D

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