I have messaged the seller asking asking how long they have owned it and if there is any room for negotiation with the price but i thing it is not to badly price anyway.
Just wish i was home so i could just go see it, always the same, you find things when away and still have 2 weeks to put in before i get home :mad:
When you go to view look with your head, not your heart and check everything works.
Don't listen to the reasons why something does not work, nearly always bull****. :lalala:
When I was looking for the Mg ZT I went to view one that was described as immaculate and full service history. His idea of immaculate was a world away from mine and the service records looked like they had been filled in by a 5 year old with a crayon.
If you have any doubt whatsoever, walk away. There are lots out there.
Best of luck with your quest Dunc90. :):)
A "lost" service book is an old trick for covering up services not done, incorrect mileage etc. Look for MOT records with mileages.
The pistonheads one looks good....although the silver 2005 looks smart!!
Aye the silver one is nice but the description is a bit vague, I asked if it had the BMW or jag engine and what no trade in discount he would offer, this was the reply I got.

"Not sure about the type of engine, give e a call and try make a deal over the phone when our ready, this car is priced cheap for a 55 face lift model as you would know if you do a bit of research on auto trader"

So I am a bit unsure on that one, still awaiting reply to the grey one though

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