Did you take it for a test drive before buying, as all of those faults seem pretty obvious to find/notice. I would be even more concerned at the bits of the car he didn't inspect.
I took it for a test drive but it was in rush hour traffic crawling along, I asked all the right questions it's just the dishonest answers that I stupidly believed that have got me into this position...yes I believed a used car salesman! arrgh...
I asked about the inspection and was told that they didn't strip the car down and that the report will stand up in court so I'm stuck with it really, bad service all round then eh..
The inspection cost me £255 which I can claim back from the courts (if it goes that far).
The vehicle was inspected with the aid of a trolly jack.
The following conditions were noted: Both front wiper blades do not fit correctly and insecure to arms. Left rear light cluster lens cracked. All side lights flash intermittently at times when the engine is idling. Headlight flash does not operate when headlights are off. Service indicator shows -15675miles over due. Excessive oil/fluid loss covers the underside. Gearbox oil losses are excessive. Roadtest: The gearbox fails to operate correctly. There are several clunking noises at lower speeds when changing lower gears. Air bag warning light comes on at times when driving. Rattles from both front suspension assemblies when driving. Low ratio switch will not move. This rocker type switch is stuck on one position. The mileage was recorded at 121581, Chassis number SALLMAMA33A126606, the vehicle is fitted with budget tyres all with at least 5mm tread depth.
CONCLUSION This vehicle is found with a considerable number faults that will require rectification and ongoing attention, further faults may become apparent upon investigation and repair. As result of the collection of faults the vehicle is seen not to be "fit for purpose." All the described faults are seen to have been present at the point of sale. The owner has been advised not to drive the vehicle.
That's better, i thought from your earlier post all the report said was not fit for purpose, I take the seller has the above report as well then.
Have you written to them requesting a full refund and sent it recorded or what is your next step, small claims ?
That's better, i thought from your earlier post all the report said was not fit for purpose, I take the seller has the above report as well then.
Have you written to them requesting a full refund and sent it recorded or what is your next step, small claims ?
Yes the seller has the report, I emailed it to him on Monday, I got no reply so I rang yesterday and was told that the owner of the garage knows about it. I actually sent them an email two weeks ago asking for my money back but they said they had fixed the faults so I took the car back but the faults were still there. In the email from a fortnight ago I stated that if I had not heard back from them within two weeks then I would take the matter further which will be small claims court, I think I'll include trading standards and vosa as well because they did the MOT and I'm pretty sure it's dodgy given the faults on the car.
It’s a real pain but I’ve seen this so many times , I got tucked up a bit with mine as I was told it was perfect but my suspension collapsed as soon as I got home , the torque converter was shot, the engine was sound but these cars are like mermaids, so many of us end up on the rocks !
Have you been back to the garage and fronted them, emails are easily ignored , I’d be back getting in their pie hole - politely of course...
Where do you live roughly ?
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If you are going to have a chat face to face , take a witness and record the conversation. Same applies if you speak to them on the telephone, you are allowed to record your conversations for your own use. This does not contravene RIPA. The only draw back is getting it admitted as evidence in court. However, the way around that is to transcribe it ;)
All good advice but in my opinion forget recording conversations go straight to legal advice don't know how much you paid but claims court has limits.
I called the garage this morning and they said that they would like to have the car inspected at a gearbox specialists to see what exactly is wrong with the gearbox and to see if the car can be repaired and if so find out the cost to see if it is worthwhile.
I said they would have to pick the car up and take it there themselves because I have sorned the car after being advised not to drive it by the engineer. They said that they would arrange for someone to come and pick the car up and take it to http://automaticgearboxrepairs.com which is in Preston

I'm prepared to let them do this as otherwise it could be construed as 'being unreasonable' if the case goes to court because they are attempting to fix the faults. Hopefully I'll get a result before xmas, either a refund or a car fit for purpose.
I am sure you have already read the ins and outs of going to court but for anyone interested the following may be of use


Please also note that there is a little caveat in Law wherein , supply of goods, repairs, etc, must be completed in a 'timely manner'. Therefore any faffing about and delaying tactics by the garage can be used against them. I have personally used it when work being done, that reasonably should have been completed within 7 days, took 30 days. I got 40% off the bill, without going near a court just by pointing out that little gem.
Good luck with everything. I know only too well what it is like to deal with dodgy garages. The good news is I still love my Range Rover :D
I said they would have to pick the car up and take it there themselves because I have sorned the car .
It might be worth drawing up a simple collection note for them to sign if they don’t take it away on a trailer or have trade plates to cover the sorn as if they just drive it you could be liable if it gets pinged on ANPR.
I am sure you have already read the ins and outs of going to court but for anyone interested the following may be of use


Please also note that there is a little caveat in Law wherein , supply of goods, repairs, etc, must be completed in a 'timely manner'. Therefore any faffing about and delaying tactics by the garage can be used against them. I have personally used it when work being done, that reasonably should have been completed within 7 days, took 30 days. I got 40% off the bill, without going near a court just by pointing out that little gem.
Good luck with everything. I know only too well what it is like to deal with dodgy garages. The good news is I still love my Range Rover :D
Very interesting - I didn't know about the make money claim online and the money saving expert is a good read too. I would love the car to be right, it looks ace and is a great place to be when driving...apart from the faults of course!
Like I say...a nice looking car, pity about the faults, that is not a cracked windscreen by the way, it's a reflection.
RR driveway.jpg
Get them to check your number plate whilst it's in, that looks like too large a gap between letters and numbers. A fine on top of everything else,might be the straw that breaks you.

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