OK, I've just been rescued by the RAC because the battery I've needed for ages finally died in the 2004 L322 3.0 diesel. All my fault.

The RAC man insisted that there was an electrical fault because, when he closed the doors with the key out of the ignition, he could hear a fan running somewhere in the engine compartment.
I said it had always done this and yes, the fan does run for a short time when shutting the car up for the night, but it stops after a very brief run. He insisted that this was wrong.
His report states that the current drain at this stage, with the fan, was 2.2 amps and it needs to go into an auto electrician.

Can anyone confirm whether, when parking and locking the car, there should be a brief period where a fan runs?
OK, I've just been rescued by the RAC because the battery I've needed for ages finally died in the 2004 L322 3.0 diesel. All my fault.

The RAC man insisted that there was an electrical fault because, when he closed the doors with the key out of the ignition, he could hear a fan running somewhere in the engine compartment.
I said it had always done this and yes, the fan does run for a short time when shutting the car up for the night, but it stops after a very brief run. He insisted that this was wrong.
His report states that the current drain at this stage, with the fan, was 2.2 amps and it needs to go into an auto electrician.

Can anyone confirm whether, when parking and locking the car, there should be a brief period where a fan runs?
Sounds right to me judging by other posts.
Thanks. I'll assume it's OK, and the RAC was wrong.

I'm a bit under the weather after lung drainage (1.2 litres!) so will have to get a local garage to supply and fit the battery.

The breakdown report notes the following: " battery failed test but car also has high current draw of 2.3amps memebr declined replacement battery advised of charge to reattened", which implies an argument if I call them out again in the near future.

I think the fan sound does come from the region of the fbh, so presumably that does have some sort of short period of safety cooling just in case.
Thanks. I'll assume it's OK, and the RAC was wrong.

I'm a bit under the weather after lung drainage (1.2 litres!) so will have to get a local garage to supply and fit the battery.

The breakdown report notes the following: " battery failed test but car also has high current draw of 2.3amps memebr declined replacement battery advised of charge to reattened", which implies an argument if I call them out again in the near future.

I think the fan sound does come from the region of the fbh, so presumably that does have some sort of short period of safety cooling just in case.
Be careful if you get a garage to replace the battery, they invariably fit one that is too small.
I plan to specify just an 020 battery, which I assume will fit and be correct. I know the garage owner quite well.

I have some printed instructions about battery replacement which include waiting for various systems to discharge, including Satnav and fuel gauge plus SRS relating to the explosive charge. However, the video doesn't mention this. He also disconnects the + battery terminal first, which I wouldn't do.
With a range rover especially the dozzols fit the biggest battery highest cranking amps that will fit normally 120ah 1000cca they only just fit with mm to spare especially if yours is a vogue model as often the charts for the batterys spec one to small @gold rover will confirm this issue .

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