well if wife likes it looks like you will have to fix it, i would make a list of problems and work through them one at a time
Lincolnshire is a big county,any chance you could narrow the location down a bit @steveeasy as you can see from my location I`m in Lincoln and have heard some bad reports about a garage just outside the city overlooking water, pm me if you would rather not disclose on here.
Hi Kds,
After going over on two occasions and being booked in for work Guy told me he had too much work. never did one single bit of work.on the RR other than mess Settings on ECU up.
Famous 4 Louth.

Onwards and upwards now.
Hi Kds,
After going over on two occasions and being booked in for work Guy told me he had too much work. never did one single bit of work.on the RR other than mess Settings on ECU up.
Famous 4 Louth.

Onwards and upwards now.
Now known as the Infamous 4 Louth,now
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Hi Kds,
After going over on two occasions and being booked in for work Guy told me he had too much work. never did one single bit of work.on the RR other than mess Settings on ECU up.
Famous 4 Louth.

Onwards and upwards now.
Louth so not local to me then, did have couple of bits off them 30 years ago when I bought the first RR nothing since though, one guy that writes in LRO mag did work there but noticed that last couple of times he has had something in LRO he now works somewhere else, I wonder why.
Hey ive made a massive error they did do something. ive not seen car in daylight. they pulled of the sill cover to see if it was rusty and left it dangling. they have broken the cover on driver seat to fiddle with plugs. so they broke a couple of things and lost interest.
Hey ive made a massive error they did do something. ive not seen car in daylight. they pulled of the sill cover to see if it was rusty and left it dangling. they have broken the cover on driver seat to fiddle with plugs. so they broke a couple of things and lost interest.
Given it a like but bugger really !
trying to find the right diagnostic tool to sort the L322 suspension out. Previously the RR indy did check wiring that they said was ok. they did not say any problems with height sensors. they said ive a loose knuckle bush. theysay the geometry is out hence the suspension going in to fault mode. Oh need new pump. I suspect there is some logic in all this. the play from the loose knuckle bush could upset the system. I still think I need to change height sensors. the car is a lot more level since they did their bit. however low is normal. normal is off road and high is well cant get there.

So I am going to fit a new bush. and try and recalibrate it myself. Ive been told this morning Nanocoms does not cover L322 2003. The foxwell nt510 elite seams worth a try but the Chinese are on holiday until the 18th Feb. anyone recommend any other diagnostic tool. I am back on the case as the car needs sorting or all the work will have been wasted.

Might be worth you checking out posts by myself, @dwarfer and @stustrong in past couple of weeks on suspension height calibration with the INPA software and lead, got mine now slightly under what it should be with it (4 foot 11 inch wife so she`s happy).
Might be worth you checking out posts by myself, @dwarfer and @stustrong in past couple of weeks on suspension height calibration with the INPA software and lead, got mine now slightly under what it should be with it (4 foot 11 inch wife so she`s happy).
ive just inpa again and forgot the - now its high:rolleyes: hahahahaaha
i must remember it arse about face:D
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Had height sensor problems attempt to calibrate with foxwell nt530 and it went all over the place, stustrong mentioned inpa which I have so been getting there with that.
|Hi Kds,
Ill have a look then. sounds promising, Did you have a suspension problem similar to mine ?.
yeah we had some issues:Dyou could say that...
@kds was nearly there, after a marathon session, dating back to last year, then another part curled up its toes ,height sensor rubber bearing bit the dust:(
now all good, now in fine tuning mode:p on a loop !
@dwarfer mine was just about everything in sight going batty:), that too dated from last year, fine until a bag blew out:mad:
changed everything,now im in the ball park, instead of the ball ache:p
i just have to remember to put in - ( minus ) re inpa calibrating, i forgoto_O hows that possible!
i too am in fine tuning mode,and within 4 mm, looking for better, dought i will find it, but ever hopefull;)
groundhog day rings a bell:)
Had height sensor problems attempt to calibrate with foxwell nt530 and it went all over the place, stustrong mentioned inpa which I have so been getting there with that.
im still having flash backs from using the foxwell..:eek:
my fingers and thumbs do strange movements.. where i got repetitive strain injurys from constantly using that fecking tool:mad:
Might be worth you checking out posts by myself, @dwarfer and @stustrong in past couple of weeks on suspension height calibration with the INPA software and lead, got mine now slightly under what it should be with it (4 foot 11 inch wife so she`s happy).
it could be worse.. really.. could have been trying to climb into mine..
remember this pic:D:D:D:Di get vertigo just looking at it !
Is there a best site to download inpa. ? Ive read you select E59 and connect with a K cable. can order one of them of ebay. Ill order a Foxwell at the same time as im sure its going to take a few weeks given china is on holiday it seams until 18th Feb.
Is there a best site to download inpa. ? Ive read you select E59 and connect with a K cable. can order one of them of ebay. Ill order a Foxwell at the same time as im sure its going to take a few weeks given china is on holiday it seams until 18th Feb.
hi there
bc cables on the bay cost a bit more blue in colour, but the chinese silver cable work too, some have a switch some dont.
i had to fit a switch to mine
easy to do lots of vids on youtube showing , either directly soldering across pin 7 and 8 or adding switch.
and inpa download ( with thanks to @stustrong and @kds ) for information , was mikes easy bmw downloads again online
its a bit of a faff, it helps if you are computer savy and not like me...
i first tried the disc that came with my chinese lead, BAD IDEA !!
i think it downloaded the entire chinese phonebook and a feck load of other spam, so after removing that cr@p and disinfecting the laptop i went with easy mikes bmw download... you live and learn..:D
on the inpa once installed its e53 old x5 series and click into the systems to check.
p.s.. i know the nt530 got some stick, re calibrating.. but its a good tool and will get users out of trouble,well worth it for the price compared to the big names.
That's great. ill have a search online and find the download. not sure about the soldering bit, but sure ill sort it.
Bit late to the party @dwarfer and @steveeasy but I would go for cable with switch on it, my original cable didnt have the switch and I have since bought one with purely because it gives you a bit more option. It might need several goes to get suspension about right but at least you are not having to pay out each time and yes the Foxwell comes in handy to check on other faults.
Ok waiting for the Foxwell to turn up and have ordered a lead and waiting for that to arrive. I had decided to replace the piston ring in the compressor, just been and had a look at it and quite a bit of oil has leaked out. any ideas ?. Thanks

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