[Ok pic of RHS of car at lowest ride height. The other side is down. Its goes up but this side is allways 3-4 inches higher. The core reader though says the front is lower on the right and rear is lower on the left.
@steveeasy[Ok pic of RHS of car at lowest ride height. The other side is down. Its goes up but this side is allways 3-4 inches higher. The core reader though says the front is lower on the right and rear is lower on the left.
Yes thanks for this ,good Tips@steveeasy
good advice/ pictures from mr BIB
another thing i forgot to say was make sure the drive your are trying to calibrate on is flat , and need to be in the same place each time,
i tried to look for a concrete screeded area so stands a better chance of being flat, or i have to be in the exact same place on my drive as it changes.
during the earlierdaysweeks of getting mine somewhere near useable and not laughable,
i struggled to get my car to raise up in calibration mode, some diag tools raise the car some dont( nsf would be higher by 20 mm.. ish )
so i had to inflate the system to get it square so i could then calibrate it.
as mr bib said re sensors, the track inside it wears and gets corrupt and can have a drop outs so to speak,
so if worn or suspect they can be out of tolerance if the car moves just a wee bit up n down on unevan ground, again causing a kinds of misery.
IMO if the car is calibrated on uneven ground one or more corners could be close to being out of tolerence which when on a level surface become out of tolerence. It has to be on a level/flat surface to calibrate correctly. When on my drive the rear nearside is on a grid while the other 3 are on sunken bits of varying sunkenness![]()
I am wondering if a couple of weeks ago about when I finished front subframe, the scanner had a hissy fit. lots of weird numbers on screen then went off. thought id wrecked it. about when car went all lop sided. it was on very uneven ground. I wonder if this caused what is happening now, like it recalibrated itself on the uneven ground. will only find out if I get a better scanner.