Hello Holliday Chicken,
How difficult was it to remove gearbox on your car and how difficult is it to rebuild your gearbox. My box is rumbling between 30/40mpg a slow rumble, but I drove from midlands to Yarmouth and back without any problems, just annoying.
Are you sure it's the gearbox, not wheel bearings, UJ's, diff etc?
Are you sure it's the gearbox, not wheel bearings, UJ's, diff etc?
I don't think it is the wheel bearings as there is no sign of wear to tyres with reference to the UJs and diff, the rumble cycle is slower than the wheel, prop, diff rotation hence my thought on gearbox, I don't know any 4×4 garages in my location (coventry) that I could trust to look over and tell me the truth.
If you stare hard at the rev counter needle while the rumble/vibration is happening, do the engine revs fluctuate slightly (i.e. only by a couple of hundred rpm) in sync with the noise? Does the noise disappear if you select Manual mode?


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