hi lads , apparently I have sent everone including myself off on the wrong track !!!! I suppose " its easy for me doing this " as I have been told many times that apart from re-syncing I haven't a fekin clue when it comes to mechanics !!!!!! that's me told then ...... anyway just confuse you all the latest is that the l.p.g. has no problems !!!!! originally it was excessively misfiring very very loudly so !!!! have had compression test done =all is good , had full new set of platinum plugs and its still no different ,so , went for autologic diagnostic check yesterday and its showing ==== bank 2 =lean on cylinder 4 drivers side . so going on Monday for coil and leads test ???? will report back Monday ,so apologies for the misimformation and thank you all for your imputs and of course all the ****takers yes you know who you are ,I WILL get you back , !!!!!!!! kind regards mozz
mozz you prob have a duff lead tracking to earth, run engine when its dark at night you will see the offending lead/pack easy
l have 4.0 thor mozz nevo lpg system reset mine evry 3 months using the automatic software also bought myself a bluetooth elm 327 to check for faults on the petrol side using my android phone thats all u need realy simples .oh and a good bank balance for the rest of the car
just updating everyone !!!!!!! its at the garage as i'm typing, hopefully
will know by 5.00pm will reveal answer then fingers crossed ,,,cheers mozz

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