
New Member
Hi all,
woke up this morning and the damned thing wouldn`t open with the remote again!!! i tried syncronizing the key again but this time its having none of it! Now it keeps locking me out. Just had a mobile diagnostic bloke round and he reckons the Becm isn`t talking to the locks/immobiliser. all the doors except the drivers door have super locked themselves and he cant do anything with it! He says i need a new Becm,fob and ring (the one round the ignition barrel. cant remember what he called it though)
Surely it cant just `go` just like that?
There has to be another way!!
Any ideas anyone??
he's talking booolax.

take the battery lead off for 30 mins, then put it back on, enter eka code in drivers door. that should work. failing that its prolly in need of a security re learn
I`ll try that in the morning. cheers.
If it need a relearn, how do i do that?? is it asend off job or can it be done in situ??
Could also be a faulty door lock mechanism. The driver's one is a bit trickier than the rest. Does it work at all off the remote? How about new batteries in the handset as well as a re-code? We experienced a similar prob at the start of the year.
if you do a search you should come up with quite a few(some mine) posts on the sequence, areas that can cause and fixes for the security system. i would try the eka code first, the look at the fob/door lock mech and then re learn as the final solution. the relearn has to be done on the diagnostic system and only a few people have it on here but there a loads of independant garages who can help. irish rover is your man for all that type of stuff
I`ve has the battery lead off for an hour but as soon as i reconected it instantly came up with the keycode lockout again.Is this normal?? Gonna try the code again when that goes. The door lock is a bit iffy so i`m gonna replace that later today just to eliminate that problem before i take a large club hammer and redesign the main brain!!!!
i've got the same prob at the mo,done everything one has to do,windows set,eka code sequence put in and car pointing magnetic north,still nothing,so called Land Rover specialist and he tells me that car might not be accepting code,if this is the case then it's the big old BECM that needs replacing,BANG! £1200,so have got some bloke to come and look at this afternoon to tell me the worst
Let me Know what he says. i`ve just replaced the lock/CDL in the door and now i`m getting a message saying `ignition key in` ..wot the f***! i know the key is in - i just effing put it there!!!and it still locking me out!
seriously boys, this is a common problem, i have had to do mine several times over the weekend as ive had engine out and you need to be very methodical
i have followed everything that has been said,but i think my prob is somthing else,when i re-connect battery nothing happens except "bleep,bleep" with lockout code coming up,landy mechanic says doors should lock but i get nowt,now i cant even open other doors manualy
doors have been locked all day,cant even open them manually,only tailgate and drvers door open
All the other doors have gone into superlock and i cant even open them manually. the drivers door locks on the key but when i unlock it the other doors wont budge! cleaning the connectors in the footwell didnt help so im gonna have to cut & solder them and try that.
I`ve read somewhere that disconnecting &reconnecting the battery with the key in position 2 can jog the BeCM to accept the code. Can this do any harm? or is it a load of tosh?:confused:
thats the right state for it to be in. you would have to open the others with the sill lock. what is the lcd on the dash saying? put key in and try to start and it should say engine disabled. it may even give you lh window not set etc.

if it does, make sure all the windows and sunroof are set. is it left hand drive?

and then try turning the lock to the rear 4 times, each time the indicator side lights will flash i think. then to the front of the car x amount of times for the first digit of the code then rear then forward etc until you have the code in.(i know its just a repeat of whats already been said but honestly it is the only way, there is very little between the key and the becm to go wrong) then all doors should either lock or unlock together!
tried that,felt like a right prat after,theres another one going round that if you can jump the starter motor ,car will miraculously start
no mate, you can get into the car, i.e provide power for it by that method but you wont get around the code with it!
Well, there seems to be some discrepancies as to whether mine is a rh drive 4.6 HSE (that it is!) or a lh drive diesel manual that the BeCM says it is!!! It`s one of those that was built for export for North America but never went! instead it was converted to rhd 4.6 auto petrol but the becm still says diesel manuel!! and it runs lovely when i can start it!!
Well, there seems to be some discrepancies as to whether mine is a rh drive 4.6 HSE (that it is!) or a lh drive diesel manual that the BeCM says it is!!! It`s one of those that was built for export for North America but never went! instead it was converted to rhd 4.6 auto petrol but the becm still says diesel manuel!! and it runs lovely when i can start it!!
hi,sorry to hear about your faults,pain in the @rse,if it is the BECM,google they are brighton based and rebuilt my BECM for me when it went t1ts up,very pleased with the service and the price.started first time with no errors when i connected it as per their instructions,cheers gemsdad.:)
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ok,so i may have found the answer to my particular problem,on the rave CD it says that when the battery is disconected,all hansets must be resynchronised
anyone got an idea how this is done?
oneof two ways the newer ones, after 99, syncs when you put the key in the ignition and start the car. before 99 you have to hold lock/unlock and turn in that direction, back to vertical then hold the opposite. hold em for 5 seconds at each lock or unlock.

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