should it make a noise or somthing if successful?mine does owt,i think the problem is in the door as suggested previously
Done all i can now- the figging drivers door has locked me out aswell!!! so now i cant even get in the damn thing!!
sledge hammer time!
the same happened 2 mine...get the top of the drivers door open and stik a peg or piece of wood in then use a wire coat hanger to pull the pin up...hope this helps
then put ya key in and put the psf window dwn then up...then dsf same dwn then up ...thenpsr window then dsr window ...that shud sort it
so an update on the immobilisation saga,just had some mechanic round with all his diagnostics gadgets and my Range Rover wont accept any of his machines,so he thinks the BECM is locking them out,anyone got any other ideas?
I find it ******* incredible that a flat ******* battery can cause so much ******* problems,what is the ******* point of these cars!
Well just so you feel a little better- mine still wont let me in ANY doors so now i have to wait till i can find a replacement door glass so i can smash this one to get in!! ( luckily i had the door card off anyway!!)
Personnally i`d like to pop down Landrover and find the t*@t who thought these security systems would be a good idea and shove his head right up his own ar*e!!!:mad::5bbeatdeadhorse5:
i remember when mine went it eventually locked me out at some stage, i had to ask a lad to open the boot as i turned the key in the drivers door. dunno if that will help, maybe get the wife to repetedly press boot button and turn lock???
problem is though i`m getting nuthin when i turn the key but if i disconnect the battery and connect it again you can hear the `thunk` as it tries to lock em again!
Also how reliable are the out stations in the door and would it stop the access code being accepted???
(just trying to eliminate the cheaper options before sending the beast off to have a new BeCM!!)
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i'm not 100% sure on the outstations. can you accesss the boot when you disconnect battery. i know my key opens the drivers door when the battery is off. was your car 'super locked' when it went crazy? maybe this is the problem???

also, been reading on range and one fault of the car not accepting eka is the door handle not bieng fully back in. mine does this but i always push it in as it annoys the crap out of me if its stuck out. might be worth a check?
door lock has just been replaced but yes the handle does stick out but it annoys me aswell so i always push it in aswell. have been trying to ring callrova but whether they`ve gone out of buisness i dont know but they`re not answering.
cant open the boot either it all seems to be super locked and doesnt budge. think i might just cut my losses and break this one cos its doing my head in!!:(
door lock has just been replaced but yes the handle does stick out but it annoys me aswell so i always push it in aswell. have been trying to ring callrova but whether they`ve gone out of buisness i dont know but they`re not answering.
cant open the boot either it all seems to be super locked and doesnt budge. think i might just cut my losses and break this one cos its doing my head in!!:(
hi,here is callrova tel number just incase 07742500190,his name is rick,also here is another person who does BECM problems, tel number is,0845 0942386 i hope this helps you,cheers,gemsdad.:D
hi,here is callrova tel number just incase 07742500190,his name is rick,also here is another person who does BECM problems, tel number is,0845 0942386 i hope this helps you,cheers,gemsdad.:D
Thanx for that, gemsdad, mtechuk can sort it and they are a lot cheaper than call rova!(and they answer the phone!!):)
Thanx for that, gemsdad, mtechuk can sort it and they are a lot cheaper than call rova!(and they answer the phone!!):)

hi,glad to be able to help,hope you get it sorted,keep us all informed as to how it all goes,cheers gemsdad.:)
dont replace the becm, I have had a similar problem and was told the same but i was not going to pay out £1200 until i had tried everything else and i think i have solved the problem. Try cleaning the 3 multi plugs behind the drivers kick and give them a spray of wd40. Make sure the battery is fully charged, unplug the alarm arial that is in the boot on the drivers side under the parcel shelf support as this can pick up rogue signals. Once you have done this have the becm reprogramed this should cost around £140 including being towed in.
Hi, my P38 without notice kept immobilising itself as it was losing the signal between the Becm and the engine ecu.
After having it re programmed by a landy specialist I sent the Becm, ecu and both keys to MTECH after several recommendations about them.
They found several faults with the Becm aswell as one of the keys and despite the repair, a new reciever (bought as another precaution) and a key it has come to £650, better than a new Becm from Landy and it seems to have sorted it.
All i hope now is it doesn't let me down again while I have the vehicle!
They do suffer like everyone says but if you want the reliability get the Becm sent off with your keys to MTECH.

Hopefully you havn't re arranged your Becm with a hammer yet!!
BeCM sent off today so fingers crossed i should have it back up and running sometime next week( fingers crossed).
They didn`t say how long it takes though. shouldn`t be more than a couple of days, should it?

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