Correct English spelling. You must forgive me i am not English i am a Latvian illegal immigrant living under cover. And typing on a French keyboard. :p:D:D

He's got your number Tony, mind you Preston is foreign parts.;) just getting you back for the plastic Scouser dig.:D:D:p oh and :welcome2:Richie
He's got your number Tony, mind you Preston is foreign parts.;) just getting you back for the plastic Scouser dig.:D:D:p oh and :welcome2:Richie

How dare you say such things about the capitol city of Lancashire. I don't think i called you a plastic scouse did i? Think that was Mozz. Anyway, Calm down, calm down. :p:D:D
Correct English spelling. You must forgive me i am not English i am a Latvian illegal immigrant living under cover. And typing on a French keyboard. :p:D:D

AND that's why you eat custard creams !!!!!!!!!!! :p:p:p

fekin ell wammers Alan's ( tomcat )back in town !!!!!! thought it had been quiet ????? :eek::eek:

that was a long holiday ????? methinks he got 3 months for smuggling ????? again .. ho ho ho :cool::cool::cool:
AND that's why you eat custard creams !!!!!!!!!!! :p:p:p

fekin ell wammers Alan's ( tomcat )back in town !!!!!! thought it had been quiet ????? :eek::eek:

that was a long holiday ????? methinks he got 3 months for smuggling ????? again .. ho ho ho :cool::cool::cool:

Yeah you are in for it now. :D:D
Well, I see you have found me out Mozz. When you pay your phone bill give me a bell, don't like phoning you because you are always in bed :D:D ( He's known locally as the Tameside Stud) ;):)
Well, I see you have found me out Mozz. When you pay your phone bill give me a bell, don't like phoning you because you are always in bed :D:D ( He's known locally as the Tameside Stud) ;):)

Don't be to hard on him. Lad is knackered he bought his missus an early christmas present. A fur coat made entirely of Hamster skin and took her to Blackpool christmas shopping, it took him three days to get her off the big wheel. :D:D
Not good. The chap that came had a laptop with the diagnostic thing on it, he has resynced others with it but ours wasn't playing.

So is there anyone near Sheffield with a syncmate for a 97 diesel.

I'll probably be in Sheffield on the 29th December. Assuming you haven't fixed it by then I'll bung the Nanocom in the boot. If Mozz or one of the gurus is available maybe we can work it out.
hi , I will be about , so you've got my number . no probs cheers and happy xmas to you all , kind regards Mozz:):):):)
I'll probably be in Sheffield on the 29th December. Assuming you haven't fixed it by then I'll bung the Nanocom in the boot. If Mozz or one of the gurus is available maybe we can work it out.
Only just seen this, just replied to your PM. If you could swing by that would be amazing!

Thanks :)
Ah, good news. Did you manage to rescue the battery or was it FUBAR'ed?
well done Richie ,,, so glad you are sorted !!!!!!
I love it when a plan comes together and even better when you take the time to listen and then act on the advice in a positive way ......:clap2::clap2::clap2:
a lovely couple and so happy there all mobile ..
also big thanks to rick-grrrr- and everyone else who chipped in , oops and dogsy too ... hope you all ave a brilliant new year ,,,,kind regards mozz:):):):)

***** please watch for a brilliant update from one of my problems ive suffered for the last 10 months " not the stroke " ******

all will be revealed on Monday around lunchtime ,,,...mozz:D:D:D:D:D:D
well done Richie ,,, so glad you are sorted !!!!!!
I love it when a plan comes together and even better when you take the time to listen and then act on the advice in a positive way ......:clap2::clap2::clap2:
a lovely couple and so happy there all mobile ..
also big thanks to rick-grrrr- and everyone else who chipped in , oops and dogsy too ... hope you all ave a brilliant new year ,,,,kind regards mozz:):):):)

***** please watch for a brilliant update from one of my problems ive suffered for the last 10 months " not the stroke " ******

all will be revealed on Monday around lunchtime ,,,...mozz:D:D:D:D:D:D

Keeping us in suspense eh Mozz, how are you doing?:D
Battery seems to be good after a very very long charge.

Thanks again mozz you've been a star throughout this nightmare!

Started like a dream today.

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