
Hey Folks!

My brother has just called me from darkest Ludlow to say he just went to lock his drivers door (3dr 300Tdi '94) with the key (don't thing fob works anymore) and there was a click and the key just turns in the lock but does not lock.... Handles on both outside and inside still works... and it will lock if he leans over from the passengers side and pushes the button down.

Now I have had a search on here and know the springs go in the locks, mine did last year and thanks to you guys I changed them with only a bit of profanity :rolleyes: but my handle on the outside would not open and the key worked fine. Can't find a thread with the same problesmd! I know its had with out seeing but does it sound to you guys like the actual lock has broke or the retaining ring off the back of the tumbler?

Just though I would ask before I stripped out me shed after the spare springs I have somewhere safe only to find its not them!

Thanks as always,

sounds to me like one of the bar's on the back has fallen off if I woz u take door card off and have a look to see wots up is fastest option it only takes 5 mins to get door card off
Tøxïc§øX™;1295652 said:
sounds to me like one of the bar's on the back has fallen off if I woz u take door card off and have a look to see wots up is fastest option it only takes 5 mins to get door card off

Cheers! I was hoping someone would say that! Especially as I cant find me spare springs... they are in a box somewhere! Thats what moving house does for ya!

Hes comin to see me tomoorrow so I will have a look then.

Thanks again,

I had a similar problem with a plastic collar thingy that fit's around the lock, had to be replaced but managed to get one from my local breaker. Speaking of which I must get the fob working, would be more convenient and less likely to break it again ;)
Yeah - got same prob with my '93 200 - plastic ring on end of key barrel snapped - crack opens when key is turned and will not engage microswitch thingy!!
Still looking for a replacement!!! anybody out there know the whereabouts let us know on here!
@Disco94 and @LRoy I think it might be the plastic thingy as you said, hope he turns up soon or it will be to bloody dark to see anything! Tried Equicar 4x4 but they aint got any at the moment, might try CWS breakers out Norwich way I think. Seen them advertise in the back of LRO. Let you know if they have any in stock.

Thanks for the help,

Had the same problem with mine little plastic grey collar had snapped can't help wonder why someone doesn't make a stronger metal version

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