Mark Mitchell

New Member
Hi, Looking for some advice. I have a 2004 Disco and recently have an issue whereby the Key Fob doesn't work and therefore won't open the doors and disable alarm. The doors unlock manually, however when i open the door the alarm goes off! I understand that i will need an eka code to disable this. However, been on the phone to Landrover and the Archive and they don't have the code. I have no record of the code when I bought it in 2012. Any ideas? How I can obtain the code or any fixes that can be done?
Thanks in Advance

First, try a good LR dealer they should give it to you FOC. Not sure why they are saying they have not got it. You might want to try another one.
Second , you can try the online solution and pay £20 . try, altho I have never used them.

The above two are OK as long as a previous owner has not changed it.

After that , you will need ti identify the issue with your car, it is probably wither the fob or the RF receiver.

Good luck

You need someone with a Nanocom code reader or similar
It can be read and also altered with that.
Where are you based? Greenock possibly?
hi you might need to go to the dealer with your v5 and I'D.
I have just had same problem replaced receiver between the sunroofs. part number is ywy00080.
you could get part and just pull horn relay to stop the noise.
hi you might need to go to the dealer with your v5 and I'D.
I have just had same problem replaced receiver between the sunroofs. part number is ywy00080.
you could get part and just pull horn relay to stop the noise.

Only problem with that is if someone has changed the EKA over the years.
When I had my TD5 I changed it to the easiest 4 digit code in the off chance I ever needed it. Fortunately never needed it.
Dont think he's a million miles from me. Think the location in the profile is a tad wrong
As a quick fix, if you know someone with a D2 , then if they like you. you could ask to "borrow" their RF receiver and then if it works, you at least know the problem and as mentioned above get one on order.

Plus if you know someone local with diagnostics they should be able to read the EKA code once it is not immobilised.

A bit convulated , but it may get you moving.

Hi, Looking for some advice. I have a 2004 Disco and recently have an issue whereby the Key Fob doesn't work and therefore won't open the doors and disable alarm. The doors unlock manually, however when i open the door the alarm goes off! I understand that i will need an eka code to disable this. However, been on the phone to Landrover and the Archive and they don't have the code. I have no record of the code when I bought it in 2012. Any ideas? How I can obtain the code or any fixes that can be done?
Thanks in Advance

Hi. Thanks for your quick response. I contacted a reputable dealer, they searched the system and said it was not authorised. The landrover historical helpline said the same thing.

I've bought the code as you suggested and just waiting for it to come through. Hopefully this will get me in and look at the recoever. Is the reciever easy to find? I beleive its just a plug out / plug in unit?

Thanks again.

The receiver is in front of the rear sunroof, under the roof lining, yes , it is plug and play.

Make sure you follow the instructions for a D2 EKA code use exactly. Do you have them available?

The receiver is in front of the rear sunroof, under the roof lining, yes , it is plug and play.

Make sure you follow the instructions for a D2 EKA code use exactly. Do you have them available?
Hi. Thanks again.

Yes I Have the instructions for the eka use in my manual. Once the code cimes.through I'll give it a go.

Hi. Thanks again.

Yes I Have the instructions for the eka use in my manual. Once the code cimes.through I'll give it a go.



Hopefully the PO has not changed the EKA code.

Then the next thing is to check the RF receiver.

Does the little red light on your key fob flash when you press a button? If not then change the battery.

If yes, then once you have gained entry using the EKA code, remove the RF receiver, check for dampness. They are prone to fail due to water getting into them or affecting the earth / connections. It may help you to take the receiver and place on a radiator for a while to dry out. But in the long term it is a good thing to change it.


Hopefully the PO has not changed the EKA code.

Then the next thing is to check the RF receiver.

Does the little red light on your key fob flash when you press a button? If not then change the battery.

If yes, then once you have gained entry using the EKA code, remove the RF receiver, check for dampness. They are prone to fail due to water getting into them or affecting the earth / connections. It may help you to take the receiver and place on a radiator for a while to dry out. But in the long term it is a good thing to change it.


Thanks for all your help today. I got the code and managed to open the door no problems. Just one more quick qiestion if that's OK? Where exactly can I find the receiver? Don't suppose you would have a picture?


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