
Evening chaps and chapesses, yesterday my disco 2 decided to eat my door key in the drivers door lock barrel which I think has collapsed inside as the key doesn't seem to have gone all the way in. Annoyingly the end of the key is about 10mm inside the lock so not easy to get to.

Any ideas on how to get inside? The fob side of the immobiliser hasn't worked in over a year so I can't unlock it by fob. RAC man says he can't do anything about the lock but could possibly do something to get one of the windows open but with no guarantee that the window could be shut again and wouldn't be able to disarm the immobiliser so I couldn't drive it anywhere.

Is my only option to get an auto locksmith out to drill out the barrel?
Evening chaps and chapesses, yesterday my disco 2 decided to eat my door key in the drivers door lock barrel which I think has collapsed inside as the key doesn't seem to have gone all the way in. Annoyingly the end of the key is about 10mm inside the lock so not easy to get to.

Any ideas on how to get inside? The fob side of the immobiliser hasn't worked in over a year so I can't unlock it by fob. RAC man says he can't do anything about the lock but could possibly do something to get one of the windows open but with no guarantee that the window could be shut again and wouldn't be able to disarm the immobiliser so I couldn't drive it anywhere.

Is my only option to get an auto locksmith out to drill out the barrel?
The RAC guy didn't have a slim jim?
He was under the impression that the internal locks would be deadlocked unless unlocked properly. Even if we'd got entry the Disco would have had to be left unlocked where it currently is in a street away from here as I wouldn't have been able to drive it away without disarming the immobiliser.
I have another key, and the ignition uses a different key so that isn't a problem there. No other locks unfortunately, the joys of budget models if Land Rover does such a thing.
I would say,

Get a replacement door handle and key and lock fitted. Second hand cheap enough.

Get an auto lock specialist to remove the current door lock and gain access, remove old door lock and fit replacement.

Job done.

That's what I was thinking of doing, just wondering if there was another way of getting access or ideas on removing the key.
The fobs weren't the issue, something in the Disco itself was but hardly had the money to put fuel in it let alone sort that issue out.
I would say,

Get a replacement door handle and key and lock fitted. Second hand cheap enough.

Get an auto lock specialist to remove the current door lock and gain access, remove old door lock and fit replacement.

Job done.

Doesn’t the door have to be open to remove/replace the lock, it does the usual D2 lock issues.
I presume that the BCU is set to always disarm with key mode and the passive immobiliser is disabled but to be able to start it if the alarm is not disabled too you have to unlock the door latch as the BCU to get the input and remobilise it so do your best to remove that piece of key from there somehow or push in the broken key and try to force the latch to open even if you ruin it... maybe a skilled locksmith would be able to drill out the barrel and turn the end of it to unlock the mechanism as the latch switch to give the open input to the BCU to remobilise it... or force open the door somehow, replace the latch and remobilise it with EKA, i dont see other easy options
has lock had it or is it just key that has broken if key just broken the if you can get it out a copy can be made by a good key cutter , try small screw drivers top and bottom to see if you can get it out, or last result try using a small amount of super glue on the end of key you have push it in wait for it to set and just maybe you can get key out a long shot but might work
Well after phoning round a few places this morning it's being recovered on Wednesday and a locksmith is booked to drill out the old barrel once I've got it home. Then I'll be fitting a new barrel.

Thanks for your help and suggestions.
Well after phoning round a few places this morning it's being recovered on Wednesday and a locksmith is booked to drill out the old barrel once I've got it home. Then I'll be fitting a new barrel.

Thanks for your help and suggestions.
Then your next job is to find out why the fob isn't working. The radio receiver for the central locking is behind the roof lining, just in front of the rear sunroof.
The receiver is ok, as are the fobs and it doesn't have a sunroof.

One fob stopped working one day and the second key stopped working the next although it had worked the previous day.
Whatever it is the answer is an expense we couldn't deal with when it failed and as the disco is highly unlikely to get through the mot in 3 1/2 months time it's not something I want to be spending a lot out on for that amount of time.
Simple lock-picking tools to drag the broken bit out?
Get a new key made from the shards of Narsil and conquer Sauron?
I had this with an elderly Mercedes. Got it trailer'd home and plucked the broken key stub out of the lock with fine pointed tweezers.
Simple lock-picking tools to drag the broken bit out?
Get a new key made from the shards of Narsil and conquer Sauron?
I had this with an elderly Mercedes. Got it trailer'd home and plucked the broken key stub out of the lock with fine pointed tweezers.

That would be a great if I could, unfortunately the lock barrel has started to fall apart so it's completed knackered.
The locksmith is coming tomorrow and I have a replacement ready to fit once we can get the door open.

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