plastic soul

Active Member
Does anyone have any info on which pipes to use for these?

I have connected it to the output from the heater matrix (the one the goes in the back of the engine on the top) to the input of the unit, then the output from the input to the engine.

It's not pushing heat around...after an hour...not a lot

I HAVE bled the air etc...I know the unit works cus I tested it....

I am better off using the output from the engine as the input to the unit then push the hot water straight to the matrix instead? Will this make a difference?
It would be a good idea to tell the type of engine you are installing it to, as u say it's an engine preheater or was, so how does it heat the cab?
Does anyone have any info on which pipes to use for these?

I have connected it to the output from the heater matrix (the one the goes in the back of the engine on the top) to the input of the unit, then the output from the input to the engine.

It's not pushing heat around...after an hour...not a lot

I HAVE bled the air etc...I know the unit works cus I tested it....

I am better off using the output from the engine as the input to the unit then push the hot water straight to the matrix instead? Will this make a difference?

well, it would heat the matrix quicker if you want the hot air.
Is it the old square model or the newer cylindrical one. I think the old square one is a heater only - it needed a pump to circulate any heated fluid. Not sure if the newer cylindrical model has a pump built in or not.

Might be talking Horlicks!
it's the older square one, does have a pump, tested it in the kitchen all fine

Same as the one I had fitted to my old RR which was plumbed into the engine-block as u did then with V8s... so just an engine heater :
Never missed not having one fitted on any other car I've owned, it never gets that cold in my part of the world -8c once :D.
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is it not supposed to be connected to the rad pipes, to heat the engine block to make sure it's warm to prevent damage. when it heats the water up it would open the thermostat and then start to heat the matrix??
Or another thought, is the temp turned up on the dial in the cab? also the air around the matrix won't be moving as the car fan wouldn't be on.
Or another thought, is the temp turned up on the dial in the cab? also the air around the matrix won't be moving as the car fan wouldn't be on.

No, this is a Discovery not a bloody series 3 :rolleyes:

You only disrupt one pipe, and that is the one that you want the heat to be absorbed first, so, you need to be sure of the direction of pumping and the flow of water from the engine then if you want to heat the cabim matrix first you put it on the pipe that flows from the engine to the matrix, or vice versa if you are wanting to pre-heat the engine more than the interior, either way it makes little odds as something is better than nothing.

The direction of flow and the direction of pumping are the important bits, and only disturb one pipe as it really only connects a loop in the circuit.

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