
Lord Hippo
…popped in ta see what yous tratters boys get up to. Been in the Range Rover section fer the last week drinking cherryade whilst sat in me leffer heated arm chair. Week before that I was wiff the durdy tratter boys wiff their new fangled tratters. Smells funny in there, and it int just the damp. All part of me round the world tour of landyzone, across the different forums, ta see if other Land Rovers break down just as much as Freelanders do. So far, it seems they does. :5bseeya:
…popped in ta see what yous tratters boys get up to. Been in the Range Rover section fer the last week drinking cherryade whilst sat in me leffer heated arm chair. Week before that I was wiff the durdy tratter boys wiff their new fangled tratters. Smells funny in there, and it int just the damp. All part of me round the world tour of landyzone, across the different forums, ta see if other Land Rovers break down just as much as Freelanders do. So far, it seems they does. :5bseeya:

I come here often, but I've got both so I'm allowed..

Didn't know you'd got 2 series land rovers. I've only got the one. Freelander series 1. :)
It's quiet in ere int it. Anyways, ere's a pic of me Freelander series 1. :)


DSCN0816 oC3JNDo
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Just bin reading some freds in ere and it seems yous lot suffer wiff a lot of faults on yer series vehicles. Nothing changes wiff Land Rover eh? Freelanders have occasional faults too. At first glance, it seems yous lot suffer wiff diffs, axles, leaves, gaskets, fool tanks, crabs, sorry carbs, starting problems, electrical problems, rust, sound proofing, uncomfortable seats, engine problems… the list goes on. Amazing how many of you suffer these problems wiff old series Land Rovers, and us Freelander series 1 owners suffer wiff the same problems, even though our Freelanders are said to be designed with experience in mind. We live and learn… Shame Land Rover didn't. :doh:
Nice size garage Hippo, I can get 3 in mine nose to tail but only normal width. I had 4 Morris Minors in it at one time (but I'm okay now).:D
Just bin reading some freds in ere and it seems yous lot suffer wiff a lot of faults on yer series vehicles. Nothing changes wiff Land Rover eh? Freelanders have occasional faults too. At first glance, it seems yous lot suffer wiff diffs, axles, leaves, gaskets, fool tanks, crabs, sorry carbs, starting problems, electrical problems, rust, sound proofing, uncomfortable seats, engine problems… the list goes on. Amazing how many of you suffer these problems wiff old series Land Rovers, and us Freelander series 1 owners suffer wiff the same problems, even though our Freelanders are said to be designed with experience in mind. We live and learn… Shame Land Rover didn't. :doh:

To be fair, I think you got the definition of "problem" wrong.
In a gaylander: oh, I have a leak. I'll try and fix it.
In a series: Oh, another leak. I have to remember to top this one up as well...
Thought I'd put up some comparison photo's of my Freelander series 1, fer the fellow series owners in ere. It's amazing when you compare the differences between both vehicles. Naturally the levels of comfort have changed for the betterer. I bet 60 odd years ago they didn't eggspect future cars to be clever enough to be able to choose gear, and change gear all by themselves. :eek:


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myhippo5 lu53FyG


myhippo1 CjmgjAv
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Thought I’d put up some comparison photo’s of my Freelander series 1, fer the fellow series owners in ere. It’s amazing when you compare the differences between both vehicles. Naturally the levels of comfort have changed for the betterer. I bet 60 odd years ago they didn’t eggspect future cars to be clever enough to be able to choose gear, and change gear all by themselves. :eek:

Depends on your definition of better! I cant see you cleaning the interior of your freelander with a hose pipe for example :) Oh...and cars changing gears for themselves...was that not implemented at the very beginning of the last century?
Depends on your definition of better! I cant see you cleaning the interior of your freelander with a hose pipe for example :) Oh...and cars changing gears for themselves...was that not implemented at the very beginning of the last century?
Erm erm not sure. Wasn't about then. Will have to ask MHM.

As fer washing it out wiff a hose pipe. We Freelander owners have rubber seals on our doors ta keep the water out. Also keeps the drafts out too. Ah dun't have pigs in the back of me Freelander. Yous tratter boys dun't half have some durdy habbits. :eek:
Morning all. Quiet in ere int it. Have been looking round again and have realised that yous lot dun't av springs. So I thought I'd put up a pic of mine, so yous lot know what they look like. They make yer vehicles ride softer. Perhaps this could be added to the list of mods yous lot like to do to yer series?


P9281727 iF8IVI0
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Now, now, Hippo- the amnesty works both ways. The series boys do have springs you know, look where they got them from-

Yer but no but we Freelanders owners don't give anywhere near as much abuse as we gets off yous tratter boys. Un the agreement only included receiving abuse, not giving it. Would take me a whole year ta post the abuse we gets in just one hour. Anyhows, I has ta stay in ere fer a week as it's part of me round the world tour of landyzone, ta see if other Land Rover products break down just as much as Freelanders do. Will be in the disco forum next week, then back home ta the Freelander forum. Where I may have ta report back that theres a betterer option than a Freelander, if one exists.

Night all. Off ta bed now.
Morning all.

Slept in ere last night. Have ta say it were very drafty. Cold too. Anyone know what time breakfast is served?
Morning all.

Slept in ere last night. Have ta say it were very drafty. Cold too. Anyone know what time breakfast is served?

You'll have to wait till it rains, then place a mug under the place where it drips most. That's for drinks.
You can use the steel grille to put some bacon over the fire (built in feature...)

Drafty: It's better than outside. Big cats dont get inside and dont pee all over the place. Tho small ones do.
Cold: I always have a polar sleeping bag in my car... So, there is an issue.
I would send your sleeping bag back, seems to be faulty :D
Ah thinks this back ta basics life style int fer me. We Freelander owners like our creature comforts. There's nothing like turning on the heating when it's cold. Un turning on the air con when it's hot. Each to their own I guess.

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