
does anybody know if it posible to put a air line an to the air tank were it has a large screw thred on .
just thought it could help get you out of a few break downs and some some compressed air tools like de grease gun or air cleaner
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if your motor is a p38 as mine is the compressor is knockin its pan in just keeping the suspension going,wagons ect usually have an engine driven compressor+3 or 4 air tanks. i used to drive mobile cranes before i retired they all had an airline on em valve block on side of chassis to keep tyres up to pressure but they were BIG compressors but i dont think they would run air tools for long no enough f a d ,pressure was ok though not enough capacity/volume,,the electric compressor on a p38 selfdestruct with an air bag leak if left to long,,,,,,,,,,,dave,,,of to kip now gnight
thanks for that not sure how much pressure the tank holds but even if it was only for emergency use i now i have woke up meny times to a flat and you only need enough to get to nearest air line or blow some crap out of polen filters and hard to reach areas

thanks again
there are very few emergencies that reqiure air!!! if tyres are going down enough to need a mobile compressor the i would suggest getting em fixed !!!

a good selection of hand tools and a foot pump are adequate to get the car rolling!!
You can buy a 12 volt compressor for about 12 quid that will re-inflate a tyre, I always carry one on my motorbike plus a repair kit. I also have one on the P38 as an emergency suspension inflator. Slow but effective.
Adding an air takeoff point is a common mod, particularly in the states, as well as adding a pressure gauge. I've just assembled a package to go into mine with gauge and quick release coupling. According to the write-ups from those who've done it, you tee into the line nearest the front of the car as it goes into the EAS box, line 6 I think?? However there is only enough air to refill tyres, NOT for running air tools, although I suppose you could tandem mount a second receiver behind the original to up the reserve, or just fit a larger one.
lol that would be just swell if you could send me the plans i will look over them and give a little advice .....and dont forget to patent it should be a screem whooooooo whooop :violent:

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