I'm good thanks. Been hectic at work and home so not had much spare time but things are gradually coming good.

Hows about yerself?

all good thank got baby girl due in july and the place i cant talk about is doing very well for our first year so life is good
Thanks mate when are you ever going to make it laning with us lot its about time you came?
Thanks mate when are you ever going to make it laning with us lot its about time you came?

I don't have time to blow my nose at the moment, let alone get out laning.

I only just managed to find time to fit my new headlights yesterday, even though I've had them since the start of this year.:(

I have several things that need doing on my landy but I'm struggling to find time to do it. MOT's coming up soon anorl.:eek::eek:
I don't have time to blow my nose at the moment, let alone get out laning.

I only just managed to find time to fit my new headlights yesterday, even though I've had them since the start of this year.:(

I have several things that need doing on my landy but I'm struggling to find time to do it. MOT's coming up soon anorl.:eek::eek:

Better to be busy if you want to come with us anytime mate we are out each month somewhere be it wales, the peaks, or the lakes you know where to find me just ask
first off congrats on the kid mate honnest, second off can we delete this post and make a fresh start yeh? her idea not mine though we all agree maybe we are getting off on the wrong foot here and yes this post was funny but ****ing hell we sound like a load of kids well my dad is bigger than yours and all that ****.

maybe we must say that yes i was wanting to make conversasion on here this post as i wanted to see how we would get on! (**** why? ) but yes i have been on the **** these past few week as i have been put onto anti depressants. so i say let us cool off and delete the **** non relevant posts and make fresh starts BUT BEFORE we do. i must ask any idea on how to delete my posts? as i am going sobba again i have too much for me to be a ****!
Better to be busy if you want to come with us anytime mate we are out each month somewhere be it wales, the peaks, or the lakes you know where to find me just ask

I wouldn't bother Ratty. Capt Selfish ****. here will wait until you made all the travel arrangements and then move the trip to the other end of the country. Just so he can find a couple of lanes to try his lockers out on. :mad: :mad:
oh i must also say that the engine swap yes you were right on that i had mistook the information from hoping my sister would find it right however it was different engine specs! i am a **** huh?!!!!! but also i had posted them pics of the misses and she only just found out and has gone nuts, how do i delete the geeting maried post?

This thread is unreal ... I've just read it from start to finish and it makes as much sense as a Pig roast at a Bar Mitzvah! :confused::eek::confused:
yeh trust your opinion for a drive LOL, anyway how are you all doing? and how do i get the moderator? as at the moment i cant get the emails so somone have to for me? and how do you delete attatchments?

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