leave my fella alone and **** off! how do you know if you havn't seen them and why do you target? we are reporting this to the lease rights what ever or whom that may concern!

love you babe xx
leave my fella alone and **** off! how do you know if you havn't seen them and why do you target? we are reporting this to the lease rights what ever or whom that may concern!

we really are mental babe xx
Now ya see.... this is what happens when you string a load of words together without considering whether they belong in the same sentence.

In this country we speak English (mostly). The trick to writing a post in this forum... is to put several meaningful words together that actually make sense... try it sometime.:doh:
thanks for that babe, these tossers obviously dont ****ing belive in the ONE LIFE LIVE IT without harm to there's and others spirits.

it has occured to me that there only a couple of decent people on here and the rest are proberbly slobs that sit or stand with a beer and drugs at the ready and think they know what the **** they are on a about,

oh well those that want to follow welcome those that want to harm or cant be bothered pitty them and wish them well with the blessing of forgivness! (NOT THAT THEY DESSURVE IT! YOU HEAR lol)
anyway lets be happy and just shut the world out as much as we can

LOVE YOU BABE. hearts and all xx
:hysterically_laughi do you honestly think we gonna believe that was your missus ffs your dumber now than previous threads :rolleyes:

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