
Well-Known Member
Today I acquired a 1972 SWB Series 3 Diesel. Unfortunately I can't actually drive it until next month when I'm 21 and I can insure it at a decent price.

All seems well (no rust etc.). It also has an MOT until Nov 2012.

However there are a few things that I am not sure about.

1) This appears to be a power outlet where you can connect to 12v power if you require it. Am I correct?

2) This blue light is labeled "BEAM". I presume this is for full beam on the headlights, but I have not yet found a way to activate this. Any ideas?

3) When I pull out this switch for the hazard lights, should the indicaors flash? If they should, at present they do not.

4) When should this light labeled "CHARGE" light up?

5) Lastly, what is most puzzling is this. When the engine is not running, the lens on this light is blue. However, when the engine is running, it lights up pink and flickers intermittently. What does this light mean?

6) The horn is connected to a toggle switch mounted on the dashboard, the switch on the indicator stalk is currently disconnected. I will have a look at this at the weekend.

Thanks for any info.


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1. Yes, 12v supply.

2. Yes main beam. Push the indicator stalk away from you. (Towards you to flash).

3. That is a hazard symbol. As you have the switch, it will have to work for an MOT

4. It will light or flicker when starting. If it comes on when driving, your battery is not being charged properly indicationg an alternator problem.

5. Low fuel light.

6. I would get it to work on the stalk again, much better.

Good luck.
1 your correct its for a maplight ( rare as rockinhorse **** nowadays )

2 push the indicator stalk away from you this will switch on full beam

3 earth come off the back of the switch or fuse blown under the bottom steering column panel

4 usually when ignition on but engine not running or if the alternator is knackered

5 i dunno much about this one but i think its to tell you the engine is running ( probably for the benefit of the deaf as its a diesel )

your lucky evrything works on yours nothing works or exists on mine (just a mass of wires with the remains of switches dangling off the ends ) :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Thanks for the replies.

1) My Series 3 has a movable spotlight bracket that can be moved from inside the cab, so the 12v supply may come in handy for that. Does anyone have any idea what sort of load can be put across the outlet?

2) I will try main beam tomorrow. I didn't think of pushing the stalk in that direction.

3) I will have a look behind the panel at the weekend. The Haynes manual I ordred comes this week. I didn't want to take the panel off until I had that and I was sure what I was doing. Would removeing the hazard switch and putting a blanking plug in get it through the MOT if I can't get the hazards working?

4) The charge light was off when the engine was running, good to know that's how it should be.

5) It is good to know that this light is only a low fuel light and is not a light that indicates something dodgy. It makes sense as the fuel meter is very low as well.

6) I will see what I can do with the horn button on the stalk this weekend.

There is no cover on the space where the four fuzes are. What are they (from top to bottom)?
Owners handbook and the Repair Operation Manual (excellent) are still in print and available online as pdfs, I don't know where precisely cos I prefer having the books. Don't bother with a Haynes manual unless you find one dirt cheap, though the Haynes Restoration manual is worth a read. You'll want to google the parts catalogue pdfs too, loads of great diagrams and part number that save lots of hunting around when buying bits.

I'm assuming you can still get classic car insurance at 21? Worth calling Adrian Flux and similar for a classic insurance quote.

Congrats and enjoy!
the ****ty haynes manual does notn have any drg's for hazard lights....:confused:

.....but it could just be crapy contacts due to lack of use try it in and out a few times and it may spring into life...;)

try looking at www.lrfaq.org: Land Rover FAQ: Series - electrics Series III, 12v fitted with rear fog lamps and www.lrfaq.org: Land Rover FAQ: Series - electrics Series III, Key - 12v fitted with rear fog lamps
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Thanks for the replies. I will have a look what's behind the panel over the weekend. The speedo cable needs replacing anyway. I already have a new cable that I got off ebay.

@ Johnny Regis: Yes I can get classic insurance at 21. The quote I have had is £360 for the first year (limited to 5000 miles) which is good compared to other vehicles.
I tried the switches today. I found out that the hazard flasher does work, but only if the indicator stalk is set to one of the indicator positions. Is this how it is meant to be?

Also, what colour wires from the indicator stalk switch are for the horn?
I tried the switches today. I found out that the hazard flasher does work, but only if the indicator stalk is set to one of the indicator positions. Is this how it is meant to be?

You're lucky there. Mine works, but only one side (depends on the weather which one).
If it is reliable as it is now, and flashes both sides, dont touch it. It wont get any better!
protractor: Do you mean mine or philvy's?

Thanks for those links Series71. They look answered my question about the wire colours.

I found out that the hazard flasher does work, but only if the indicator stalk is set to one of the indicator positions. Is this how it is meant to be?

Yours I'm afraid. It's not supposed to work like that. Hazard swtich should flash all of them no matter what the stalk is set to. A tester will switch them on, he won't faff around with the indicator stalk trying to get them to work.

Sorry :(

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