
Well-Known Member
My 110s bulkhead may need some creativity to get its next ticket. So im looking into replacement options.

Sure, i can go to ashtree, give them an old bulkhead, and 900 (ex vat) and get a galved one from them.

...or i can attempt a diy option.

Ive called up earlier for galvanising cost, and was quoted £150 ex. Which was more than i thought it would be, however, that did include the acid bath, which, in my mind, is essential on a used unit to get to the corrosion inside.

So, does the £150 figure sound about right?

My plan (i think) is to get a cheap bulkhead off ebay (£50), get it blasted (£50), get a load of panels from yrm (say £150) and weld them in. Then £180 to get it acid dipped and galved.

What's that - £480 all in (ex welding gas, wire, discs etc)

Seems like a plan, unless anyones got any better ideas?
The place that did my galving the other week quoted £75 for a bulkhead. Frank hand in Nottingham.
you doing all the metal repairs? do they have a jig to bolt the bulkhead to so it dosen't warp when is dipped?
I was going to weld up a quick frame. Ie bolt bits to the bulkhead, then weld them.

How you get the bolts out after though, i have no idea at all.
Hi, can any of you guys help me out with the distance between the bolt holes on a bulkhead ? I've posted on the site but no replies as of yet, its a 1991 200tdi oh and a 90.
I'd like to see a picture of one in a jig, just to prove it happens. I have read many times that they get held in a jig to stop warping, but there was no sign of mine having been held in a jig. The outrigger bolt holes were nice and shiny all the way through. :confused:
i imagine it warps due to the sudden change in temperature when dunked in hot zinc

i dont know if its possible to pre-warm it so the thermal shock is lessened?

Ask the galvanisers, they should know
Hi, can any of you guys help me out with the distance between the bolt holes on a bulkhead ? I've posted on the site but no replies as of yet, its a 1991 200tdi oh and a 90.
Apologies to julianf for hijacking his thread.
I saw your thread, but my rebuild is quite far on and so not easy to measure the gap. I've just popped out and measured between the door pillars, taken 5mm off either end, as the bolt holes sit in a bit, and come up with 1490mm between centres. Best thing to do is check out other rebuild threads who haven't got the bulkhead on yet. Or someone like discokids whose old chassis still appears in the background of his pictures. :)
I saw the thread also, but my gearbox is in the way. That's a disco chassis by the way Al, my chassis is the original.
Yeah, my gearbox in the way too. Sorry to mention your name, mate. Hope you don't mind :oops:
I saw the thread also, but my gearbox is in the way. That's a disco chassis by the way Al, my chassis is the original.
Yeah, my gearbox in the way too. Sorry to mention your name, mate. Hope you don't mind. :oops:
No mate, course not I don't mind. I'll help anybody if I can. If nobody gets a measurement I'll try but as the box is there it might be a few mm off.
No mate, course not I don't mind. I'll help anybody if I can. If nobody gets a measurement I'll try but as the box is there it might be a few mm off.

Cheers. Didn't think you would.
I've tried tonight for him and got approx 1490mm, but I can't say it's accurate so no good really.
Just had a go, chassis leg to chassis leg (outsides) is785mm, chassis leg to centre of bulkhead bolt is 360mm x2. A grand total of 1505mm. My B/H hasn't been heavily welded or galved but I have replaced my outriggers. Bolts went in with what is describe as 'a good tap with a medium sized hammer'.
Thanks for trying guys, I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Julianf sorry for jumping in on your thread.
I've got a piece of bar I drilled to bolt to both bulkhead feet prior to any cutting or welding on my bulkhead and fitted again before fully welding up.
Will grab a measurement tomorrow.

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