
Collected a new Disco yesterday (new to me, it's a 1995 300 tdi). The fob has proven to be a bit unreliable (may just be the battery, i'll get a new one this week and see) but what i have noticed is if i lock it with the key, then go and unlock it with the key, the cars indicators/alarm get going and it won't start until i unlock it with the fob making it pretty essential. I've only got one fob and part of me is a little concerned if the battery ever went flat whilst i was out. Is this a known thing or has someone over the years had a play with the alarm system?

After spending a few hours doing bits and pieces to the truck this morning, i'm certainly happy with it. Thanks in advance for any assistance anyone can provide.
That's how it's supposed to work, locking with key still sets alarm & immobiliser just minus internal sensors, ie when leaving dogs etc in car. Still use fob to unlock / disarm.
You can program other fobs to the immobiliser I believe... I doubt they are very expensive on eBay
I wouldn't worry about the battery going flat on you, although it isn't great to start with the transmission range will reduce with use, the fob will only work every other operation and finally the hazard lights will not flash on disarming.

But if you could aways carry a spare "good quality" battery as they are easy to replace, also better still have a spare fob and key as fobs can break. Have a look at Remote Key on the www.

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