
Well-Known Member
After owning the good orange beast in the middle east, i'm now moving back to the UK, and starting the drive home.

Unfortunately there is no good route from Oman to the UK without declaring affiliation to some terrorist group along the way, so we've had to ferry / ship to somewhere first.

Iran was the first plan, but they have now restricted independent travel, and as easy boarder crossings in South east asia and china are a bit of a rarity, we've loaded the car into a container and meeting it in vladivostok.

So please be aware that I will be driving the 31 year old beast through Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Poland, etc etc for about 4 months or as long as money allows.

Wheels roll in 7 days!

Please be ready for some urgent requests on field repairs and help!
Seriously that is one mega journey. I do hope you've done all you can before setting off such a trip!
Could you have not gone though Saudi into Egypt and caught the Alexandria to Venice ferry then driven though italy etc?
Saudi is a bit of a nightmare as I have my girlfriend joining me for the first few months, and the paper work for visa's is crazy. Also Egypt isn't great at the moment, and getting a ferry to so close to home is madness as the drive is the whole point.

Realistically there is no point bringing the car to UK as it's left hand drive, old, and beaten up. i doubt it will pass an MOT and there is no real use for it when I'm back home. So I need a trip long enough to kill it off in the sense, or at least get some solid use out of it.

It's peeped as much as possible and I've done 2 years of mucking about with it on the plains of wild arabia so the setup is just how I like it.

Spares packed, tools ready, fingers crossed.

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