we are hanging out in saratov - Russia!!! Tomorrow kazakhstan!!!!!!! hope all is well in the uk and you are having as much fun as we are! Dont forget to check out our blog!
we are in samarkand in uzbekistan - a jewel in the stans!!!! we are just updating the blog and more pictures will follow when we find somewere were the internet is not done by using a mouse to power the bugger!
Checked out ya blog and all seems to be going pretty well. Good luck with the rest of your adventure...looking forward to reading more. All the best, Bill. :)

Well thats uzbekistan and kyrgystan all done and dusted and we are updating the blog.

Please leave us some comments on the blog just so we know whats going on back in the real world.


well we have made it to mongolia but not ullan batter just yet, we are going to spend some time exploring the mountains and then heading off into the gobi for a few days.

Please if you are reading the blog can you leave us a comment so we can follow whats going on back home.

not loving the yak butter tea so much but then again i dont like tea!!

Take it easy and enjoy the summer:D
So after 17105 kilometers and 60 days we have finally made it to Ullan Battar in Mongolia!!!!

Time for a few beers!!!
pics look great!! trip looks great, would love the time and money to do something like this!!
We have just updated the blog if anyone is intrested. we wont be updating for a while as we are going to try and get to turkey in 19 days for vickys birthday.
Well done guys, did you end up wandering about in the Gobi for a bit?

Hi mate

we did get into the gobi for a while but it is mostly rocks and corigated tracks!!!

so we turned round and headed back as we were running out of time on our visa! :)
we did get into the gobi for a while but it is mostly rocks and corigated tracks!!!

Fair enough, yeah there is quite a lot of rocks! Can't say we managed to find many tracks though! Excellent reading by the way, keep it up :)
we are now in sochi in russia waiting to get the ferry to trabzon/turkey tomorrow if the weather lets up as its blowing a force 8 gale so we arent going anywere today. Its also bloody hot and humid as we are staying in the landy and not a expensive hotel!!! Sad times but at 100 usd a night is to much for us and its cheaper to stay in the old faithfull landy, even though she leaks from the dash!!
hi folks

we have just updated the blog for russia and we are now in turkey haveing a very nice time indeed for 10 days before we head of down to syria and jordan.