h**y c**P

someone paid over £6k for a motor from someone with a negative feedback score on a clearly dodgy motor.
for every dodgy post there,s 6 or more suckers out there ready to buy it !!!! ie first time land rover buyers :doh:
Oh dear god they paid £6K for a stolen vehicle! :( Did the bidders not do a vosa check or even looked at the two regs and thought hang on a minute let me ask the seller OR look at the -1 and seen things were dodgy! I'm sorry but I do not feel sorry for the 'proud' new owner because the warning signs were everywhere! :doh:
Oh dear god they paid £6K for a stolen vehicle! :( Did the bidders not do a vosa check or even looked at the two regs and thought hang on a minute let me ask the seller OR look at the -1 and seen things were dodgy! I'm sorry but I do not feel sorry for the 'proud' new owner because the warning signs were everywhere! :doh:

Sadly the signs are only there if you know what you are looking at. There are lots of people out in the real world who know absolutely jack sh!t about anything, many of them have driving licences and buy cars including Landrovers. You only have to follow the number of threads on here that highlight motors for sale, mostly on ebay, that to us are obviously ringers or dodgy that find buyers.
You would think that some enterprising young copper would follow up some of these and make a name for himself.
i think people knew what they were buying. think about it if theyve got an i.d off an 07 onwards defender. there quids in probably make 6k profit on it

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