to para phrase something some said here the other day ......

"if you spotted someone about to jump off a cliff wouldn't you still try to change their mind"
You can hardly compare someone buying a freelander to jumping off a cliff, why would buying a freelander be so bad anyway? No ones mentioned why it would be such a bad purchase for him. Even the TD4.

and for what it's worth I've done in excess of 10,000 miles in a Freelander over the past few months - I'd also like to point out (before my sexual orientation is questioned) that i neither own it or pay for the fuel - it's actually quite a tidy CAR

but a FL1 is still (IMHO) a pile of poo

Pile of poo or a tidy car? Contradiction if you ask me.
No ones mentioned why it would be such a bad purchase for him. Even the TD4.

Pile of poo or a tidy car? Contradiction if you ask me.

not really, it's a FL2 - pointing someone at the LZ FL faults poll might help a potential new owner make or change their mind
The way I read it, Sean was only trying to put across another option to the OP. The Vicar may be very new to Land Rovers, and then again he may really know his stuff and have made a very educated decision to go for the Freelander, we don't know.

The only reason he said he wanted a Freelander over a Disco was the size, which isn't really justification enough when you are talking about the differences between a Freelander and a Disco.

I wonder, if Sean had recommended a Disco over a 90 instead, whether there would have been a horde of angry 90 owners jumping into the thread to accuse him of being a troll. :rolleyes:
Ah, didn't see it was a FL2. But still, all landrovers have their problems.

Don't discos suffer from rust? Those floods and rust aren't a good combination. And before someone says it i've had my freeby in floods without the doors falling off :D
The way I read it, Sean was only trying to put across another option to the OP. The Vicar may be very new to Land Rovers, and then again he may really know his stuff and have made a very educated decision to go for the Freelander, we don't know.

The only reason he said he wanted a Freelander over a Disco was the size, which isn't really justification enough when you are talking about the differences between a Freelander and a Disco.

I wonder, if Sean had recommended a Disco over a 90 instead, whether there would have been a horde of angry 90 owners jumping into the thread to accuse him of being a troll. :rolleyes:

We're just insecure ;)
Fair play, you're only giving advice but think back to when you bought your defender. If you had some salesman come up to you giving you advice that a landcruiser was more reliable, faster, comfier and more value for money you'd have been pretty annoyed having already made your mind up on the defender and already stating that to him before he started. You'd walk away and it's possible you'd never go back.

Well said young man, well said.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
Well said young man, well said.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

you remind me of one of those annoying little kids at school who would be egging on the bigger kids from within a pack of other small kids when a fight starts, yet would wet their pants if someone said boo to them

so far I've resisted to the temptation to say "fook off ya t wat"
you remind me of one of those annoying little kids at school who would be egging on the bigger kids from within a pack of other small kids when a fight starts, yet would wet their pants if someone said boo to them

so far I've resisted to the temptation to say "fook off ya t wat"

Let the force guide you Obi wan Sean.:cool: . give yourself over to the darkside :cool: and tell the lot of em to go and **** their dead grandparents. Bunch of scantimonious whining knob rotting gaylander drivers :p :p
Let the force guide you Obi wan Sean.:cool: . give yourself over to the darkside :cool: and tell the lot of em to go and **** their dead grandparents. Bunch of scantimonious whining knob rotting gaylander drivers :p :p
GOLLY . . . . . .:D :D :D :D :D Batten hatches Tratter attack . . . . .black leffer arm rests at the ready. . . . .curling tongs set to high heat . . . . . . . . . .phookin run!!!!!
and for what it's worth I've done in excess of 10,000 miles in a Freelander over the past few months - I'd also like to point out (before my sexual orientation is questioned) that i neither own it or pay for the fuel - it's actually quite a tidy CAR

but a FL1 is still (IMHO) a pile of poo

except for the sheep **** in the carpet
just for the avoidance of doubt, can you just read my first and ONLY post in the Vicar thread

do you really think that was anything to get so excited about ?

would you, or the other hippo owners, have preferred me and everyone else who replied to have told him that the Freelander was an ideal vehicle considering his requirements and his budget ?

Originally Posted by Sean
and for what it's worth I've done in excess of 10,000 miles in a Freelander over the past few months - I'd also like to point out (before my sexual orientation is questioned yes i'm a durdy phufta) that i neither own it or pay for the fuel - it's actually quite a tidy CAR and i luv it to bits and gunna fit a black leffer fing . . . . . . . . . .:D :D :D i'm saying nuffink
Ok,I'm finally back to my own 'puter...just a little type,just tosee if it finally allows me to post.:violent:
DefendeR Forum,would seem like a start.I always wanted a LanDRoveR,since I was a child,seeing themevery night on the 6 and 9 o'clock news.Mid '70's,early enough series ,might find out some useful information on how to fix one if it goes wrong.
My parents wouldn't allow me to ever come home if, I had joined the army at the age of 16 as a tank mechanic.I'm 39

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