Yes, finally, we are upgrading the forum software that LandyZone is running on.

On Monday July 20th LandyZone will be taken down in the morning and converted to XenForo, a modern forum software package that is a huge upgrade over our current outdated vBulletin installation.

LandyZone will be down all day and maybe into the evening. I'm really hoping it doesn't take that long though.

The new software is fully responsive, which called for a total redesign of the site. This means it works as well on mobile phones and tablets as it does on your computer. No more tapatalk required!

A few of us have been working on the new system for a while now, and whilst we hope to have got most of the bugs out of the way, I'm sure with such a big change we will have problems. When the site comes back up please bear with us!

Community, Social Groups will not make it into the new site, so if you have any content in that area that you would like to save, now is the time.
Hmm LZ has always worked fine on my Android tablet and phone without Tapatalk.
I will wait and see if it really is an upgrade, or as often happens in my experience a worse user experience. LZ is the best forum I've ever used in terms of what it does and the amount of effort I'm required to give.
Good luck.
Hmm LZ has always worked fine on my Android tablet and phone without Tapatalk.
I will wait and see if it really is an upgrade, or as often happens in my experience a worse user experience. LZ is the best forum I've ever used in terms of what it does and the amount of effort I'm required to give.
Good luck.

It'll look a little different and take a little getting use to but it's much simpler to use and without the need for 3rd party sites to post pics videos etc. even little things like multi quoting that took me years to work out need no explanation.

What are you going to do for a whole day?!

I'll have to do some work I guess :eek:
Do you have a recovery plan if it all goes tits up?
Can you just switch back to this platform?
It's not going to go tits up.

What the hell is up with people?!! Technology changes and evolves and sometimes you have go with it.

At least give the new site a chance and be positive about it.

Leave the negativity at the door!
Fully support the upgrade (not that anyone round here will know me ;-)) but tapatalk is a nice add on for those of us who follow multiple forums using it. I'd be a less frequent lurker if I couldn't switch across to LZ whilst reading my other forums.

But go with what the more active members want :)
It should go nice and smoothly t's not totally in at the deep end, as Roy said a few peoe have been using a parallel LZ in the background for a few weeks trying to iron out the bugs.
Unfortunately the current platform is well out of date and Vbulletin don't come close to what Xenforo have to offer.

I remember the last time we upgraded LZ (yes it's been done a few times before) everyone worried and a few sulked but it all worked out good.
Community, Social Groups will not make it into the new site, so if you have any content in that area that you would like to save, now is the time.

Does that mean AG, LZIR and the rest will be missing from the new forum? Will current threads disappear, or will these sections no longer exist at all? :eek:

Or have I got the wrong end of the stick? :eek:

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