dean td5

New Member
ive got a problem with my td5 its a 1998 td5 so one of the early ones that came out its got 153000 miles on it and it goes like stink when it gets going but the problem is when pulling away in 1st and 2nd some times it judders so you have to let off the throttle then go back on it and it works fine its purley in 1st and 2nd when hot or cold the clutch feels fine gear slection is clean for an r380 gearbox

ive read else where that the throttle control unit on the older ones are rubbish and should be replaced with a differnet model version as its an electronic throttle not cable stupid idea tho why design it like that

does anyone have a problem like mine or did anyone have a problem and its now sorted and can give me advice?

still think i should of got a 300tdi again hahahah nevermind
had the same and the plate had become contaminated. Oil or some such.

Anyway a clean and a new clutchplate and it was sorted.
If the clutch is completely DISENGAGED how are you moving at all !!

Mines a 2001 td5, there is some slight juddering if your not used to the throttle response, but not as serious as you mention.

I'd go with muddythelandy on this one, prob a contaminated clutchplate.

What happens if your only accelerating very gently in 1st and 2nd
it only happens when accelerating gently? it you give it some beans it dont happen

disengaged to me means you have let the clutch all the way out after selecting gear so it is now running on its own power before you give it any throttle, i probley worded it wrong thats just the way i see it
Had a similar problem when changing from my TDi 300 to my TD5. I found that it was'nt the clutch, but had to change my driving style. Sounds strange but if you let out your clutch all the way, before you touch the accelerator, the "shudder" in 1st and 2nd goes away. Try it. I also changed out my air filter element with a K&N replacement. I also got the local dealer to check the settings on my ECU on their equipment. My problem was "Sorted". Good Luck.:)
i tryed the letting the clutch out all the way and pulling away it helped loads but it didnt stop it totally i have to give it loads of revs to stop the problem when you try sit at a steady speed say 15mph in 2nd or 3rd it loves to do it aswel with only the slightest throttle applyed.

its not got a heavy duty clutch fitted to it

its off to the garage to be looked at on wednesday hopefully the problem will be found then, i wouldnt of thought it was the way i was driving as ive driven a few td5's but only newer versions but never had the problem

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