Second time round for me; last time 2013/14. Thought I'd dodged that bullet then.
Been dragging on for yonks...Covid-19 get's the blame - of course - but thing's moving along apace now.
Went to have tests done in December- so I thought - only to find myself with Consultant who apologised, as he couldn't find my test results. He was gobsmacked when I said I thought that was why I was there. He was very apologetic, as he ordered tests last August. He then put me straight on surgery waiting list pending this week's test results.
My fingies & eyes are crossed...
Now DO I get in touch with that dirty bike you mentioned?
Good luck Mike,be thinking of you.NHS is under so much pressure at the moment,God help them.My Consultants secretary even questioned that the last doctor I saw at ENT had doubled the dose of one medicine I'm on, which is already a double dose :eek: She told me not to increase the dose until she spoke to the call from her yesterday apologising for the delay because she couldn't speak to anyone due to absence of personel due to sickness.She was correct, the consultant said not to increase the dose.:rolleyes:
Good luck Mike,be thinking of you.NHS is under so much pressure at the moment,God help them.My Consultants secretary even questioned that the last doctor I saw at ENT had doubled the dose of one medicine I'm on, which is already a double dose :eek: She told me not to increase the dose until she spoke to the call from her yesterday apologising for the delay because she couldn't speak to anyone due to absence of personel due to sickness.She was correct, the consultant said not to increase the dose.:rolleyes:
Good luck Mike,be thinking of you.NHS is under so much pressure at the moment,God help them.My Consultants secretary even questioned that the last doctor I saw at ENT had doubled the dose of one medicine I'm on, which is already a double dose :eek: She told me not to increase the dose until she spoke to the call from her yesterday apologising for the delay because she couldn't speak to anyone due to absence of personel due to sickness.She was correct, the consultant said not to increase the dose.:rolleyes:
Cheers, Alan. Multiply our experiences nationwide and there's a tsunami of potential disasters in the pipeline.
Second time round for me; last time 2013/14. Thought I'd dodged that bullet then.
Been dragging on for yonks...Covid-19 get's the blame - of course - but thing's moving along apace now.
Went to have tests done in December- so I thought - only to find myself with Consultant who apologised, as he couldn't find my test results. He was gobsmacked when I said I thought that was why I was there. He was very apologetic, as he ordered tests last August. He then put me straight on surgery waiting list pending this week's test results.
My fingies & eyes are crossed...
Now DO I get in touch with that dirty bike you mentioned?
Hi Mike believe Alan got her number:D:D
Hi @Jon Dor

wished to also add if I may sorry to hear the news and hope all goes well for u , christ after that test think u would go crosseyed, , Just trying to cheer u up,:) ,

joking aside , stay safe and well and plse let us know how u get on
Thanks for your kind words, gstuart!
I'm a very glass almost completely full type of guy by nature. I really am very chilled about the whole thing. I don't see ANY point in even getting at all wound up, when there's nothing I can do (within reason) to influence the status quo. Close friends and family say I'm definitely wired-up wrong!
I'll keep you posted and thanks again for your kind words.
PS: Despite the local anaesthetic gel...I DID GO CROSSSEYED...HAHAHA
Thanks for your kind words, gstuart!
I'm a very glass almost completely full type of guy by nature. I really am very chilled about the whole thing. I don't see ANY point in even getting at all wound up, when there's nothing I can do (within reason) to influence the status quo. Close friends and family say I'm definitely wired-up wrong!
I'll keep you posted and thanks again for your kind words.
PS: Despite the local anaestetig gel...I DID GO CROSSSEYED...HAHAHA
Go for it Mike thats the only attitude to have:)
Well you daren't cross your legs:D:D
Go for it Mike thats the only attitude to have:)
Well you daren't cross your legs:D:D
The girl doing the procedure was incredibly attractive - I can't resist a slim Lady - and I had to show significant "control" as she was handling my "person". The considerable stinging of the local anaethetic soon focused my mind away from her charms!!!
The girl doing the procedure was incredibly attractive - I can't resist a slim Lady - and I had to show significant "control" as she was handling my "person". The considerable stinging of the local anaethetic soon focused my mind away from her charms!!!
Had similar when in with Guillain Barre a very pretty young red head would use a hoist to take me for a bath wash me down and dry me everyday. It was only the fact my nervous system had packed in that stopped me from reacting:eek::rolleyes::eek:
Thanks for your kind words, gstuart!
I'm a very glass almost completely full type of guy by nature. I really am very chilled about the whole thing. I don't see ANY point in even getting at all wound up, when there's nothing I can do (within reason) to influence the status quo. Close friends and family say I'm definitely wired-up wrong!
I'll keep you posted and thanks again for your kind words.
PS: Despite the local anaesthetic gel...I DID GO CROSSSEYED...HAHAHA

mate ur so welcome and indeed that’s a great attitude to have when things are out of ur control

oh and if u have to get that done again and there crosseyed ! RUN , ;);)

The girl doing the procedure was incredibly attractive - I can't resist a slim Lady - and I had to show significant "control" as she was handling my "person". The considerable stinging of the local anaethetic soon focused my mind away from her charms!!!

Oh mate , can sympathise, i hated it after I smashed multiple discs in my back was “ excuse me sir I just need to check something “ then heard the snap of rubber gloves going on, then me biting the curtains , heeeeeeeelp ;);)


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